Boba Fett Show of Hands

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Have you canceled your PF Boba Fett?

  • Yes

    Votes: 45 30.2%
  • No

    Votes: 48 32.2%
  • Undecided whether to cancel or not

    Votes: 6 4.0%
  • Didn't order Boba Fett

    Votes: 50 33.6%

  • Total voters
Well, my Fett will be here on Saturday. I am looking forward to him! :blissy
Kookie said:
As of right now it's not exclusive just sold on ebay for $355.00.

1. It takes a couple of weeks after the hype of initial shipment for prices to begin plummeting and starting to settle.

2. I wanna know who paid $355 plus shipping for this. I have a few things I'd like to get them to take off my hands while they're gouging themselves. :lol
IrishJedi said:
1. It takes a couple of weeks after the hype of initial shipment for prices to begin plummeting and starting to settle.

2. I wanna know who paid $355 plus shipping for this. I have a few things I'd like to get them to take off my hands while they're gouging themselves. :lol

wow, you really want to see this piece at the bottom of the ocean don't you? I really hope I am impressed with it when it gets here. If I don't like it I can always send it back.
KitFisto said:
wow, you really want to see this piece at the bottom of the ocean don't you?

No, but I am looking forward to picking one up for not much more than half of what you guys did. :naughty
IrishJedi said:
No, but I am looking forward to picking one up for not much more than half of what you guys did. :naughty

If you think you're going to find this for $165, you may as well grab another pint :drink
IrishJedi said:
I'm convinced I'll get one for $200 or thereabouts.

But I'll still take the pint. :duff

I'm sure they were thinking the same thing when GG announced the Boba bust ES of 7500. Try finding that for under retail :rolleyes:
Darth Loki said:
I'm sure they were thinking the same thing when GG announced the Boba bust ES of 7500. Try finding that for under retail :rolleyes:

That's my benchmark too. The Fett bust was 7500 and still goes for $200. I am not saying this PF will increase in value, but I don't think it will fall WAY below retail either. Time will tell.
Darth Loki said:
I'm sure they were thinking the same thing when GG announced the Boba bust ES of 7500. Try finding that for under retail :rolleyes:
Apples and Oranges.

The previous SW PFs are a much better and more logical benchmark than the GG Fett statue.
IrishJedi said:
Apples and Oranges.

The previous SW PFs are a much better and more logical benchmark than the GG Fett statue.

I disagree. I think there are some characters that have such a following that THEIR pieces speak to what the next piece from that character will do.

The Fett bust by GG was a hit. The fett statue by GG fell short of being the same hit.
tomandshell said:

:chew :chew :chew :chew :chew

Congrats Tom. can't wait to see pics since mine is coming Saturday.
That's all well and good, but the truth is that the SCC PFs are still primarily a niche item in relative terms. Seriously, how many PFs have you seen on display in your local comic shop or hobby store? Now how many GG busts and statues have you seen? Aha!

Right or wrong, the GG statues are still more of a mainstream item than SSC's PFs. (Don't get me wrong, though, I much prefer SSC's product).

Also, The Cult of Fett is as overblown and overestimated as the character is overrated (no offense, Tom... I love ya man :) )
The GG market doesn't prove anything. Paying upwards of 10x retail is not exactly what I consider to be sane.
tomandshell said:

:chew :chew :chew :chew :chew

If it's not #42, you take it in your arms, personally go knock on Sideshow's door and launch into an impromptu rendition of Monty Python's Parrot sketch, all right?
Fine, you guys win. The Fett PF will be on ebay for less than a extra value meal by next week.
Amanaman said:
The GG market doesn't prove anything. Paying upwards of 10x retail is not exactly what I consider to be sane.


Again, apples and oranges. You don't find many Kool-Aid drinkers out there like the GG completists.
KitFisto said:
Fine, you guys win. The Fett PF will be on ebay for less than a extra value meal by next week.

Hyperbole won't make your point, you know.

BTW, was that an Arby's value mean or a McDonald's value meal? ;)