Call me JOKER!!!!

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I coulds see adam west as bruce wane if they ever did a batman begins movie though.

I dont know if I'm gonna like the New joker. From what I've heard, umong other tings, his appearnce is achieved by makeup, the character paints the face on himself, it's not his actual face. I don't know, it kinda makes me wonder. But we will see.

Nicholson nailed the "mobster origin" Joker, true, but I've never considered that the "REAL, Definiteve Joker". Just never liked that version. Not sure why. Nicholson DEFINITELY got the personality, and the timing down as well, but he's just too.... BIG. One of my friends allways refered to him as "beergut Joker" . Personaly, Killing joke is my favorite. And ever since the mid- 90's, I allways Hear Hamil's voice in my head when I read the comics. there is just something that....clicks with it. i donno.

speaking of the joker, anyone know anything about this model?

Debating getting one and using it's head as the basis for a 1/6 joker figure.
I coulds see adam west as bruce wane if they ever did a batman begins movie though.

I dont know if I'm gonna like the New joker. From what I've heard, umong other tings, his appearnce is achieved by makeup, the character paints the face on himself, it's not his actual face. I don't know, it kinda makes me wonder. But we will see.

Nicholson nailed the "mobster origin" Joker, true, but I've never considered that the "REAL, Definiteve Joker". Just never liked that version. Not sure why. Nicholson DEFINITELY got the personality, and the timing down as well, but he's just too.... BIG. One of my friends allways refered to him as "beergut Joker" . Personaly, Killing joke is my favorite. And ever since the mid- 90's, I allways Hear Hamil's voice in my head when I read the comics. there is just something that....clicks with it. i donno.

speaking of the joker, anyone know anything about this model?

Debating getting one and using it's head as the basis for a 1/6 joker figure.

Adam West would be perfect for a Batman Begins or even Dark Knight returns Batman.

See I didn't originally like how they were going with the Heath Joker. But you need to remember, in Nolan's Batman Universe, everything is fairly realistic. That is why the Joker is only wearing make up and doesn't have bleached skin, red lips, and green hair. In my opinon, it makes the Joker that much creepier. Definately not the typical comic-book version, but I think it will be an awesome performance nonetheless.
Adam West would be perfect for a Batman Begins or even Dark Knight returns Batman.

See I didn't originally like how they were going with the Heath Joker. But you need to remember, in Nolan's Batman Universe, everything is fairly realistic. That is why the Joker is only wearing make up and doesn't have bleached skin, red lips, and green hair. In my opinon, it makes the Joker that much creepier. Definately not the typical comic-book version, but I think it will be an awesome performance nonetheless.

I definitely love Jack's Joker and the Hamill Joker from the animated series. But once I saw what Heath did on set the weekend I watched them film "The Dark Knight", I am now convinced that he WILL be the new Joker we will be talking about in the years ahead. Of course that's just my opinion now and I only watched probably what will amount to mere seconds on film what took a whole weekend to shoot! :rotfl
I definitely love Jack's Joker and the Hamill Joker from the animated series. But once I saw what Heath did on set the weekend I watched them film "The Dark Knight", I am now convinced that he WILL be the new Joker we will be talking about in the years ahead. Of course that's just my opinion now and I only watched probably what will amount to mere seconds on film what took a whole weekend to shoot! :rotfl

Ooooooh you are so lucky! Glad to hear that you think he will be great. I'm dying to just see something of him - a trailer, clip, or that rumored 7 minutes of prolouge footage to be shown with the IMAX I Am Legend. From what little I have HEARD of him and what few pics we have of him, he seems great.
Ooooooh you are so lucky! Glad to hear that you think he will be great. I'm dying to just see something of him - a trailer, clip, or that rumored 7 minutes of prolouge footage to be shown with the IMAX I Am Legend. From what little I have HEARD of him and what few pics we have of him, he seems great.

Yeah, I am definitely catching the IMAX showing of "I Am Legend" right when it comes out to watch the first few minutes of "Dark Knight".
Oh, and the "I Am Legend" movie looks good too, hehe.
I would not want Adam West back for any Batman flick.

A "Heartbreak Ridge" era Eastwood would have been perfect for a "The Dark Knight Returns" Batman.
AOT noted on their latest V2 ebay listing...

NOTE: Some Detail & Parts from the above phtos has been changed

Wonder what that means. :monkey1
AOT noted on their latest V2 ebay listing...

NOTE: Some Detail & Parts from the above phtos has been changed

Wonder what that means. :monkey1

That didn't bother me 'til I went to the page and saw that it actually looked like this:

NOTE: Some Detail & Parts from the above phtos has been changed

Red text is never good.
AOT noted on their latest V2 ebay listing...

NOTE: Some Detail & Parts from the above phtos has been changed

Wonder what that means. :monkey1

Guys, that warning has always been there. It is reference to the photos of v1 Joker that are on the page. V2 Joker will differ and they are just covering themselves.

I hope...

But that note has always been there.
Guys, that warning has always been there. It is reference to the photos of v1 Joker that are on the page. V2 Joker will differ and they are just covering themselves.

I hope...

But that note has always been there.

Well then, if that's the case. Oh... :eek:

Thanks WG.
I'm just antsy--it's been well over a month since I (we) paid and now that I know that Bats will probably ship this week..."gimme the check for the chicken salad!"
Just got my Figure Master Les Joker head today.:rock
Check it out.

Joker V1 on the left and Les' Joker on the right.

hey everyone, sorry to go back so far in the thread, but only just saw these pics. cocolocoboy, you are one lucky sumbeach! that is one of the most amazing figures i've seen in ages. it looks so realistic, absolutely fantastic! you have no idea how envious i am. i know jack nicholson gets a lot of crap for the way he portrayed the joker sometimes, but as a young kid at the time it made quite an impression and i loved it. you have no idea how much i would dig a figure like this. been hoping for a company to do the 89 batman and joker for a while but i don't think they could ever top this. les does it again. the man is a genius. sheer poetry with plastic.
For those of you that like Coco's Joker head from Les, you can get the kit Les modified that head from off eBay for like $25, don't know if Les is willing to go through all that work again or not, but just putting that out there.
For those of you that like Coco's Joker head from Les, you can get the kit Les modified that head from off eBay for like $25, don't know if Les is willing to go through all that work again or not, but just putting that out there.

thanks dude. i'd feel a bit bad asking him - poor guy must be in need of a serious rest.

cocolocoboy - if you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for the original joker fig?
For those of you that like Coco's Joker head from Les, you can get the kit Les modified that head from off eBay for like $25, don't know if Les is willing to go through all that work again or not, but just putting that out there.

I am sure Les would be willing to make another for the right price.:D
I am sure Les would be willing to make another for the right price.:D

Well, the thing is, it had a molded hat, which Les removed and then sculpted his own hair onto and all, so it's not just a paint job, and I imagine Spiked Hicks has him a lil jaded to the sculpting process for a little while anyway, but never hurts to ask.
cocolocoboy - if you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for the original joker fig?

Les' resculpt/repaint is fantastic no doubt about it. When I saw he was offering it I didn't even hesitate to buy, especially considering the HUGE 1989 Batman fan that I am.

I got that Joker from Toy Square for $140 plus shipping and I have the V2 Joker on order from them as well. It's $169 but this one comes with the purple over coat and revised head sculpt.:cool: