Call me JOKER!!!!

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Yeah, he doesn't seem to be that much of improvement in terms of sculpt from the original. And the extras don't exactly translate to being worth the extra cost.
I really don't like the V2 figure at all so i'm going to cancel my pre-order...
For someone that missed out on the original, I think Joker v2 looks great. It comes with a **** load of accessories and the new head sculpt is an improvement. As far as the clothes not fitting properly, I think a little water-treatment (thanks Wor-Gar) will make it look awesome! I'm glad I'll have one coming soon.
... but these ARE production stills, so we'll see when they start to ship.

I'm with you Slade. I remember the VI Prod pics, then saw this pic from duckgoo.

Quite a difference...


Plus, I'd much rather have the overcoat and extra stuff than not, makes for infinitely more posing options. Looks like the V1 head is not included but the laughbag is looking good, seems like a silky material was used.


DK Joker revealed, compliments of Brother Batty...

Damn, I can't wait till HT does this!
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Gotta say I too am a little taken aback by these new photos -- his tie looks lime colored and his shirt looks yellpw, the hat still sucks and the coat isn't as fitted as the old picture would lead you to believe! These pictures are a definite let-down.

I hope these are just bad photos.

However, he does come with a LOT of extra goodies, including the coat-and-tails AND the trench coat.
That shirt IS yellow. Better be orange...

Wait, I'm confused. This is the prod pic of V1 from Toys2, Yellow shirt.

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Gotta say I too am a little taken aback by these new photos -- his tie looks lime colored and his shirt looks yellpw, the hat still sucks and the coat isn't as fitted as the old picture would lead you to believe! These pictures are a definite let-down.

I hope these are just bad photos.

However, he does come with a LOT of extra goodies, including the coat-and-tails AND the trench coat.

These were my concerns as well. V1 colors were much better.

The shirt on V1 is yellow although it is darker than V2 so it doesn't look as film innacurate.
I haven't cancelled mine yet but it wouldn't surprise me if a few more become available at Toy Square now that these unflattering pics are out.

In this picture, the hairline was corrected on both. Below, the original v1 sculpt and the new v2 sculpt with modified hairline:


Incidently the "more special overcoat" comes with version 2.

IMHO, I think v1 is a creepier Joker -- like when he's reading the newspaper -- but v2 I think will work better for "party man" parade Joker when he's dressed up and painted.

I would be very careful about canceling this piece. This sculpt is very good, those ABC pics may not be...
I would assume what ABC is showing is an actual production figure. He doesn't look terrible mind you, but I think its not a huuuge improvement over the V1 and my eyes may have been spoiled by Coco's Lesterized version :monkey2
I would assume what ABC is showing is an actual production figure. He doesn't look terrible mind you, but I think its not a huuuge improvement over the V1 and my eyes may have been spoiled by Coco's Lesterized version :monkey2

Maybe, but last I talked with them, they had all this info over a month ago and were waiting to sell off their V1s before listing this... so, it may be older protos or newer prod shots. I would lean towards newer though.
Maybe, but last I talked with them, they had all this info over a month ago and were waiting to sell off their V1s before listing this... so, it may be older protos or newer prod shots. I would lean towards newer though.

I'm keeping my order, but this guy is definitely going to need some serious futzing -- maybe a re-dye on the clothing and definitely a repaint.

I can't imagine they got the colors so wrong. Either they went the cheap route, or these are just bad photos. The first pics of the v1 Joker also had some unflattering pics until ABC did their own photoshoot.

Here's hoping...