I know this, i just figured it would be about 35-39% of population like studies have shown. We are at 31.1% right now, which seems a bit low.
Well let's get one thing strait: SSF is hardly representative of the nation*.

At least I sure hope not.

I know this, i just figured it would be about 35-39% of population like studies have shown. We are at 31.1% right now, which seems a bit low.
All of those other uses for hemp will never happen unless it's legalized, and the people that smoke it are the ones that want that changed more then say, your average hemp farmer/grower. The biggest benefit would be generating money I any form, period.
I could care less really if it's made legal to smoke, I really want it legal for the hundreds of good uses MJ/hemp have.
The paper industry would skyrocket from how much they'd save using hemp instead of trees.