Demi G0D Overseer
AHA has done exactly the opposite. It's forced the healthy uninsured into the rate pool to mitigate the costs created by the unhealthy who use insurance like toilet paper.
What's funny is that insurance used to be something used for major medical events like pregnancy, heart attack, etc. At one point, people actually paid for healthcare because it was cheap enough. None of the solutions being presented now even acknowledge that healthcare costs are out of control and that no amount of insurance manipulation is going to solve that problem.
You are right about that. The reason health insurance is so expensive is because health care is expensive. It's really that simple. If you really want to get depressed look into the cost of long term care services. I forget the exact statistics but if we reach a certain age we have a 50% chance of needing long term care. This care literally costs 100's of thousands as it stands today depending on how long you live. Man I don't want to think about what it will cost when and if I make it to 80.
That said everyone can thank our leadership for what's about to happen to the cost of care. It's going to soar and more people will have no coverage. The exact opposite of what they were trying to accomplish. Younger people will simply just pay the tax penalty rather than pay high premiums. They will be forced into paying for high premiums because their rates will go up thanks to the elimination of underwriting. So instead of paying huge premiums they will just pay the penalty and risk it. Larger companies will just drop hours below 30 hours a week so they don't have to offer benefits. So employees who used to have a good full time job will now have to work two part time jobs and still won't be able to afford benefit or really be eligible under a group plan. Some companies over 50 employees may just pay the penalties out right and not offer benefits because it will be cheaper to pay the penalty.
People will see what they've done with their vote soon enough. There are companies doing this now to their employees. Heck I sell insurance. You would think my sales would increase because everyone will need coverage right? Nope, and I may be out of a job in years to come. What they are doing really is ****ing this up so bad so that they can force universal healthcare on us.
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