Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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Man these guys look awesome. The XLVI looks like amazing. I love how the mini arc reactors (or whatever they are) aren't distracting when he's stationary but how they're "active" during flight. WM III looks like the perfect blend of I and II.

I can see where this part of collecting gets iffy real quick. I have AoU WM and have the XLV PO'd, but this XLVI/III combo looks really impressive so far. It leaves a really sour taste in my mouth to think that I'd love the XLV but would possibly end up selling it to fund the XLVI. AoU WM is truly just a stand in at this point though lol. I did this with sneakers as well, I just really don't want to get into buying to end up reselling but the reality is that these figures are quite a bit money...

For those of you who don't have the luxury of simply just owning every figure without breaking a sweat, how do you decide who makes the cut and who doesn't? Limit of figures per character represented in the collection? Go with the newest iteration? Maybe the most classic representation of the character?
For those of you who don't have the luxury of simply just owning every figure without breaking a sweat, how do you decide who makes the cut and who doesn't? Limit of figures per character represented in the collection? Go with the newest iteration? Maybe the most classic representation of the character?

Great question. I personally am in the camp of quality vs quantity. I really only want one version of each, with IM being the exception. I buy what I think is really cool looking and what would look great in my display. The only exception right now is Cap. I have the FA figure and has always thought it would be my only Cap, but it's an older model figure, and the newer ones look to be of better quality, so I may upgrade at some point.
For those of you who don't have the luxury of simply just owning every figure without breaking a sweat, how do you decide who makes the cut and who doesn't? Limit of figures per character represented in the collection? Go with the newest iteration? Maybe the most classic representation of the character?

I've been in a long battle to keep the collection extremely lean and focused. My main criteria are personal resonance, quality, and time.

Many things look cool, but far fewer have a real connection with me. Most connections I have are nostalgia-based, like many or even most of us here.

Quality is important. I want the best and will almost always pass if materials or paint are cheap or sub-standard.

Time is connected to resonance. Some things are exciting at first but don't endure. There are pieces I loved but sold on because I found I could do without them. Others stay and those are the "permanent collection" -- such as it is. I also find that for me, less is more in terms of visual impact and enjoyment, YMMV.

And after all that, newer is not always better. Not every new figure is an upgrade. Even if the build quality or engineering is improved, it may not look as good as past iterations. Something to consider.
How could they improve it? It's an all black suit. It's pretty much Marvel's Batman outfit. Works better in the dark than in broad daylight.

I think they nailed the design but lighting will play a huge role. It's also going to be a mix of practical and VFX.

Maybe it just needs a little more silver to break it up. I loved the concept drawing but the trailer left me a little less than satisfied. The running scene does make it look better though.
WM III looks like the perfect blend of I and II. I can see where this part of collecting gets iffy real quick. I have AoU WM and have the XLV PO'd, but this XLVI/III combo looks really impressive so far. It leaves a really sour taste in my mouth to think that I'd love the but would possibly end up selling it to fund the XLVI. AoU WM is truly just a stand in at this point though lol.

WMIII does look really good, and I have the AOU version too and I regret getting it now a little bit - although I should point out that the figure itself is absolutely amazing. It's a beautiful figure so my buyers remorse has nothing to do with how good the figure is. I just only want ONE WM figure and it seems like MK1 or Mk3 would be better representations of the character with them both being bulkier and more armed. So it looks like I'll be selling my AOU version at some point. With that said, I am not sure which WM I want now that they are making a Diecast of Mk1 too. I am leaning that toward the Mk1, but hopefully we will get to see some pictures of HT's Mk1 and Mk3 around the same time that way I can just go with the one I think they do a better job on. I will say though that for those who would really love War Machine all three together would make a great evolution display- especially with the 001, 002, 003 numbers printed right on them; that's kinda cool.

As for Iron Man. I only have the Diecast Mk3 and the Mk33 Silver Centurion. I got that felt most like their classic comicbook versions. If they make a Diecast MkVI I may get that one too. Again, like the others that was mirrors a particular comic book look. The XLV was never tempting to me because I knew the XLVI was coming and the XLVI also has a specific comic inspiration; “Bleeding Edge”. Speaking of which, the way the helmet comes on and off in the trailer and kind of disappears makes me hope that it will function a lot like the “Bleeding Edge” armor.

For those of you who don't have the luxury of simply just owning every figure without breaking a sweat, how do you decide who makes the cut and who doesn't? Limit of figures per character represented in the collection? Go with the newest iteration? Maybe the most classic representation of the character?

I have only collected figures so far that I feel best represent a classic comic book feel. I have already mentioned what I have in the way of IM. For Cap I got the AOU version (though I had previous bought the FA version years before). The AOU version feels the most classic Captain America too me. I got the Avengers Hulk with the ripped purplish pants. I got Wolverine from X-men 3 and Spiderman from Spiderman 3 inorder have the Sam Rami movie version. Finally AOU Thor will be here tomorrow; he reminds me most of the classic comic with the bare arms and silver disks on his armor.
For those of you who don't have the luxury of simply just owning every figure without breaking a sweat, how do you decide who makes the cut and who doesn't? Limit of figures per character represented in the collection? Go with the newest iteration? Maybe the most classic representation of the character?

I try to get my favorite representation of each character. AoU Cap is perfect and I don't see myself needing another. Sold off my FA version to get it. Did the same with Thor (have light armor version) and Iron Man, sold my MK III picked up 43 (although i could see that one getting replaced). Money is always an issue so try to limit myself to one of each character except for Spider-Man. He is my favorite Marvel character so if it is different enough, i have it.
For those of you who don't have the luxury of simply just owning every figure without breaking a sweat, how do you decide who makes the cut and who doesn't? Limit of figures per character represented in the collection? Go with the newest iteration? Maybe the most classic representation of the character?

I tend to pick and choose what I want based simply on do I A: like it and B: have the money for it, that said I have been trying to add some extra rules to keep the collection leaner and save some money at the same time.

I always said I would not double dip on characters other than Iron Man which is why I now have 4, Mk's 3, 20, 33 and 43 with the 45 on the way. Then when I picked up the Dark Knight Armory I said I would extend the exception to Batman as hes always been a favorite and the suits are so different, and I have been filling in my Avengers ranks with AoU Cap and Hawkeye and have Ant-Man, Fury and Hill on order.

Currently looking at are Civil War (obviously) where I hope to add at least Falcon and Black Widow along with the new Iron Man and Warmachine (who I will also be breaking the "double up" rule with the teased original one) but watching the trailer with the 3 v 1 fight between Cap, Winter Soldier and Iron Man has me considering the CW Cap even if it does look just like the AoU one with minor differences.

Have been thinking about streamlining the collection though, especially with the Iron Man figures, but that leads to dark thoughts like halving my current collection keeping only the Marks 3 and 33 as to me (and as Jaymas has said actually) they look the most iconic but would then return them to a strong 4 man team with the 46 and if it follows Warmachine (fingers crossed) the Mark 6 as my (so far) definitive collection and that is after being much more excited opening Python than Centurion (despite getting Centurion as my first ever figure which is an odd one)

Bit of a ramble there... sorry guys
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Man these guys look awesome. The XLVI looks like amazing. I love how the mini arc reactors (or whatever they are) aren't distracting when he's stationary but how they're "active" during flight. WM III looks like the perfect blend of I and II.

I can see where this part of collecting gets iffy real quick. I have AoU WM and have the XLV PO'd, but this XLVI/III combo looks really impressive so far. It leaves a really sour taste in my mouth to think that I'd love the XLV but would possibly end up selling it to fund the XLVI. AoU WM is truly just a stand in at this point though lol. I did this with sneakers as well, I just really don't want to get into buying to end up reselling but the reality is that these figures are quite a bit money...

For those of you who don't have the luxury of simply just owning every figure without breaking a sweat, how do you decide who makes the cut and who doesn't? Limit of figures per character represented in the collection? Go with the newest iteration? Maybe the most classic representation of the character?

I buy them all. Saves the problem of choosing. But if I was choosing it would just simply be what I like most. I don't care about newest. That will always have a next and then you never enjoy anything.

I hope there's some great IM/WM action in Civil War! IM3 and AoU were sorely lacking in any decent team up between Rhodey and Stark and I've practically worn a hole in the IM2 BluRay watching the Japanese Garden scene over and over....probably the coolest Iron Man scene in the whole of the MCU.
For those of you who don't have the luxury of simply just owning every figure without breaking a sweat, how do you decide who makes the cut and who doesn't? Limit of figures per character represented in the collection? Go with the newest iteration? Maybe the most classic representation of the character?

Time is connected to resonance. Some things are exciting at first but don't endure. There are pieces I loved but sold on because I found I could do without them. Others stay and those are the "permanent collection" -- such as it is. I also find that for me, less is more in terms of visual impact and enjoyment, YMMV.

:exactly: That pretty much sums up take on collecting.

Many months ago, someone posted a thread asking what figures we'd keep in our collection if we could only keep 5. I've never had a large collection, but I use that to guide me in my collecting. If it wouldn't make the list of my 5 must-have figures, then I don't pick it up. So it has to be a figure of a character I really love (in the outfit I like the most... for superheroes, this is usually the most comic-accurate one); and I keep it to just one figure per character (though Stealth Cap is seriously testing my resolve with that rule).

The other trick I have (copied from my brother) is to hold off on buying something for several months. In most cases, I'll get excited about a figure (usually around announcement/release dates), but then a few months later, I'll feel indifferent about owning it (which says a lot). So that saves me from these impulse-type purchases of figures that look cool but that I don't really need to have in my collection. Exclusives tend to ruin that strategy, but not as much these days when figures don't sell out as easily anymore.

From my past collecting experiences, I just know I'd hit a wall of regret if I amassed a large collection of figures that looked cool (much of which I'd need to try to sell off). As it is, it's easier for me to appreciate my collection if it's a smaller one where each piece has significant meaning to me. I'm not too far off from that magic 5 number, but even then, I'm still always re-evaluating if certain figures need to stay or not. I understand that doesn't work for everyone though...
For those of you who don't have the luxury of simply just owning every figure without breaking a sweat, how do you decide who makes the cut and who doesn't? Limit of figures per character represented in the collection? Go with the newest iteration? Maybe the most classic representation of the character?

You buy them all , duh ...
It's funny if you go into old threads, for example the first Thor (MMS146) or the first Black Widow (MMS124), you'll see majority of people talking about how awesome the figure is and how lifelike it is, so as much as I love my AoU Cap, I also know that it's in the realm of possibility to eventually replace it, just not anytime soon though lol
I would quote all of you who replied but man that'd be a wall-o-text. But thank you for all the responses! Collecting is fun but hearing and seeing how other people enjoy the hobby can be just as exciting.

Wish I had the luxury to just buy whatever Motux but unfortunately I'm not quite there in life yet! Until then I need to mold my criteria like these other guys lol. Skizzoid that's really a great way to go about it. I really only want 1 detolf of figures. That limits me to 4-8 figures. By virtue of that alone the criteria of what gets to stay and what goes will define itself.
For me, I made the decision when setting my sights on an Avenger collection to substitute TWS Widow and TDW Thor while basing my collection around the AoU lineup. The reasons for the AoU lineup being it was the one being announced when I was building my collection and as a rule I think those figures are the best versions of their characters.

Iron Man Mk43, Cap, Hawkeye, I just don't think you can go past those versions. Thor I went with TDW at the time because I got him really cheap before discounts, and insanely cheap after discounts. I couldn't see the point in waiting months and paying full price for a figure with not a lot of variation. (and back then prototype pics of AoU Thor looked even more the TDW Thor than what the released version does).. Widow, again I got to save a few months, save $50 and most importantly visually I like the older, long hair, black outfit look a lot more.

Hulk, I went with Banner for several reasons. He's cheap for a HT. Almost Noland (Predators) or Johnny Depp Tonto levels of cheap. Any version of Hulk is always expensive, and finally (and this one may not make sense) I like figures with actual real likenesses to real human beings. Hulk is a big giant cgi monster. To have him would feel like I had an expensive version of the "toys" I owned as a child. (Does that sound like a 40 year old man snobbishly trying to justify why he spends over $300 a time (local currency) on "toys", because they are not "toys" or "action figures" but scale posable models of actors playing movie characters?.... :lol )

Now I have all six base Avengers, do I feel the itch to push the purchase trigger? Yes I still do. My rule isn't to double up. There are exceptions, and I'll find ways of justifying more exceptions. I have two Iron Men. In hindsight if I had planned an entire collection at the time, I likely wouldn't have preordered the MkIII. I couldn't bring myself to cancel it once my collection got bigger, past 43, then Thor, then Cap, and then finally "hell, I'll just buy the entire lineup". Now that I have it in a HOA pose, I'm pretty sure if another classic pre-Mk42 is released (ie: VI or VII) with diecast, I'll buy it too.

Thor, I've completely broken my rule. I've always wanted Loki, and passed on him multiple times while on special. I have kind of a thing for those two, and now I have them together I've made the decision to purchase AoU Thor for my Avenger lineup. So much for one figure per character.. :lecture :lol ... Let's be honest, when the 3rd Thor movie comes out, I'll get their figures. If I could get Avenger Loki without paying double/triple price, you can be sure I would.

With future lineups coming, who knows. Head sculpts and figures always get better, which makes 'upgrading' always a temptation. I see nothing about the Civil War IM suit, or the to be released Mk 45 that makes me wish I'd not bought 43. I think I'm in a happy place with Iron Man. Likewise with Cap. Cap is as good as it gets and I need IMO. And Hawkeye. Can't see me buying Civil War versions. The one character that might pull on my impulses is Widow, because honestly as figure quality and likeness goes she is so beneath the rest of my Avengers. If they can finally really do her justice in an all black design, I'd find that hard to resist, and then for the first time I'd find myself not wanting to hold onto a "redundant" figure.

Sorry, I also ranted. TLDR... but at $300+ a figure I've thought about this a lot over the months. I could afford to buy anything I wanted within reason, but I do make a conscious choice to control my spending. Do I put an extra thousand on the mortgage a month, or use some of that disposable income more frequently on my hobbies? So I'm trying to be good, but seeing new figures sure does bring some excitement and enjoyment..

I have 3 Arnies, with another on the way, and another Thor on the way, and 2 Iron Men. I'll probably add to the latter two as previously mentioned, and if an Arnie is announced I'll buy it no matter what. Beyond that I'm (trying to) stick with one figure per character