Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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The original suit was seen on the CW set...

So, this is obviously gonna be...
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out of all the things happening in this movie, this may be my most anticipated :D

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The problem with the new suit is that it's missing the two red lines from the original helmet.

I like the new design overall. I don't see how it looks like a power ranger suit. Can say that for pretty much any costumed super hero with a similar helmet get up. The new design looks like it's meant to go along side the Wasp with it's streamlined design.

Having the two red lines would help.

I totally agree with you. I also think the new helmet looks better from the front as compared to a profile shot. I know the pics you posted were artwork, so it my be slightly different from the actual production piece.
I don't think the original Ant-Man suit was seen on set. this looks like the new one seen in the TV spot.



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Agreed, I don't recall ever seeing the first Ant-Man suit from the Atlanta set photos. Every pic I've seen was the new suit.
Damn, that's one heck of a shot! I thought it was a screen grab from the trailer at first. Like IO said, I've love to have those three figures displayed like that.

Is that indeed a MMS Mk 46? I actually also like the sculpt (at least one of them) that CW Cap apparently will come with. It looks like it's sort of a GA sculpt and an A1 unmasked sculpt expression, just more pissed off and done better. Definitely provides a bit of variety than just the closed mouth, stoic expression that the majority of the Cap figures, and figures in general have. The only drawback is that it sort of limits the poses you can do with it, as with a sculpt like that you pretty much have to pose the figure in a pose similar to that photo.

Hoping to see these figures on PO very soon.
So looking forward to this film.
I know it's a few pages back, but I wanted to say 'thank you' to everyone on trying with the spoiler tags. And also to touch on the "if you're here, deal with spoilers" idea that was discussed. Motu, thank you for defending the use of spoiler tags being more liberal. This is a figure thread. Not the film thread. And until the figure information reveals certain spoilers, I think it's jacked up to just decide for others by not taking the extra 2 seconds to click the spoiler tag button on something. Like the
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one. I avoided all spoiler tags and then someone just up and decided to post the spoiler on it, which immediately destroyed everyone's efforts to discuss with others that didn't care/knew to not spoil it for those of us that like to only find out on our own terms. If Hot Toys or another toy or item reveals it, that's a little in our hands but not much (we can try and avoid that info unless we stumble upon it physically in a store or on the streets somehow), but it's completely different if someone just decides to post all about it without being even the slightest considerate. Coming here doesn't in any way mean we've decided we're open to spoilers and it's our own fault. This is a toy and collector forum. This is a figure thread. All topics are very specifically labelled here so we CAN read what we want to read without spoilers. So why in any reasoning should I have the
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thing spoiled? How is that MY fault that someone decided to just post it in this thread? It's not. It's taken out of my hands and decided for me. Me coming here to these figure threads in no way means I want to read spoilers about a film when the topic is the figures of the film, not the content of the film itself nor what happens to it's characters. So thanks to everyone that tries and takes that second to keep things quiet that are still quiet as of now. I appreciate it.

Back on topic....
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Oh man that teaser! Can't wait to see the mms Mark XLVI! Deadpool, BvS, CW, this is going to be an amazing first half of the year!

Now back to trying to avoid this thread for fear of spoilers :lol