Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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Do we know if Hot Toys is officially going to do a Black Panther or Spider-Man figure for CW yet? Hopefully by San Diego Comic Con we can get a preview but that's seems like a long time from now.. :lol
Do we know if Hot Toys is officially going to do a Black Panther or Spider-Man figure for CW yet? Hopefully by San Diego Comic Con we can get a preview but that's seems like a long time from now.. :lol

No official word but HTs should have a proto of Black Panther up somewhere soon but Spidey may take a while.

Marvel could've gave HTs reference pictures for them to use early on, but couldn't do the same with Spidey since he's relatively recent.
We've seen Widow and Hawkeye at Toy Soul, so I'd say they are next. The rest aside from Vision we don't even know if they are getting a figure. Would seem a bit pointless to list Vision for a while when AoU is only just showing it's face now..

Glad to know I occasionally get things at least half right.... :whip .. It is indeed, drumroll, Hawkeye. So I wonder if the next one will indeed by Widow.
I'm going with Widow being next.


Iron Man PP - check... War Machine - check... Captain America - check... Winter Soldier - check... Hawkeye - check...

Gotta be Black Widow. She seems to go hand and hand with Hawkeye for dates and prices. Scarlet Witch has only just been released, so New Avenger will probably be a wait. Likewise Vision. Which leaves Falcon after Black Widow.

Purely my guess work, lol.
Wait, has Hawkeye been released for PO already? I don't see him listed on SSC? Or was he listed on HT's website, so PO is imminent?
Yep, just looked at HT's website after I posted that message. :lol

He's listed on there, so PO is imminent. When I said I think BW will be next, that was before being privy of Hawkeye'e release. So I was wrong, it's Hawkeye.

Maybe BW will be next, next :lol After Hawkeye
I'm so surprised that Marvel didn't coordinate a Hot Toys Spider-Man figure the day after the big reveal in the 2nd CW trailer. That would've been cool and cashing in on his big OMG!!! trailer moment... I figured for sure there'd be some kind of announcement.. :dunno
I don't think that would've given Hot Toys enough time from when Marvel announced the joint agreement to the second trailer. To be honest Marvel was probably still working on a design for Spidey in the film and after that Hot Toys got it and they would have to make a new body and suit for him. I don't think they have much TTM's for a teenager :lol