Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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I know it's kinda a dumb argument and pointless, but I decided to jump in... :) ....

So according to Marvel Peter Parker, Spider-Man, is 5'10". That is the "adult" Peter Parker. Remember now, Marvel decided to make him only 15 in the MCU, so regardless of the actors height, I don't know any 15 year old that has reached full height and maturity and has stopped growing. So, if Tom Holland appears on screen as Spidey and is the same height as RDJ as Tony Stark, that's an issue. Tom Holland is 20, so I think he's done growing. Peter Parker is 15 and hasn't. Another reason why casting older actors to play younger characters on screen with multiple pictures in their contracts is a bad idea. So basically, Peter has already reached full height in the MCU at 15.... :slap ..... :dunno
I was never arguing about how big either actor or character should or would be. The guy I was talking to made the comment that in the MCU RDJ as tony stark is portayed as a "big guy" at around 5ft10-6ft tall. The assertion was meant to mean there's no way spiderman would even be close to which I made the short comment that stark isn't "big" he's average. Then it just went back and forth with some fool chiming in that the average world height is different from the average USA height which is irrelevant when we are in fact talking about an American character, and actor. Then the guy I responded to make he analogy that dinosaurs and giraffes are different so you can't say hemsworth is large and RDJ is short (or some other nonsense)

What I initially said and continue to back up with medicactual facts is stark is of average height based on him being a white American. Period
A six footer is not average. As for your Thor and Cap comparison, that was just ridiculous. You can't say a guy isn't tall just because taller guys exist. It's not like it matters anyway, it was just a throwaway comment explaining that RDJ isn't short as Tony Stark in the MCU.
Just going to leave this here haha


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You know, at one point in the late 80's/early 90's, I think 5ft 7 was average height in America. My parents used to have this old medical book that I used to look through a lot during my early teens and that's where I heard it from. Anywho, I'm 5ft6(and 33 years old) and so for many years, I thought I was average height and everyone else was a giant. Then I got into my 20's and noticed many guys are taller than me.

In regards to this debate, I suppose 5ft 10 could be considered average in America. Whether it is or not, RDJ doesn't seem short to me. :dunno
Going back to the actual Civil War figure discussion...Why is the only Iron Man coming out an "power pose"? What's special about those? I know we have a jillion Iron Mans already but I'd like the choice of getting a civil war one in regular 1/6th scale figure rather than this power pose nonsense. Also like the idea of them doing a 2 pack of him with another Stark. Don't know who mentioned it before here but it's a great idea.
Going back to the actual Civil War figure discussion...Why is the only Iron Man coming out an "power pose"? What's special about those? I know we have a jillion Iron Mans already but I'd like the choice of getting a civil war one in regular 1/6th scale figure rather than this power pose nonsense. Also like the idea of them doing a 2 pack of him with another Stark. Don't know who mentioned it before here but it's a great idea.

We'll see a regular (maybe die-cast) 1/6th figure of 46 eventually... As it's been stated on here before it's probably taking awhile to engineer it with all the working lights and full articulation... And if that's the case, I completely understand.

And I for one would LOVE a Mk 46/Dressed up Tony 2 pack. I'd especially like to see both clean and bruised/bloody RDJ sculpts with it. Here's hoping.
You know, I actually wouldn't mind a power pose in my collection, I just wish it wasn't THIS armor. XD I need one last Iron Man for my Avengers Display and would actually love one that's a power pose. I wanna see what they'll have for Infinity War though.
There will be a proper MMS version eventually, definitely in Diecast. They teased it when they released the prototype Cap images. They probably won't release images for a while yet so as not to hurt sales of the PP version.
RDJ is probably about 5'7" in real life. He wears heels and sometimes he wears lifts. In the movies he's meant to be probably about 5'11" maybe, then of course in the Iron Man armor he tends to look about 6'3" next to other characters. In scenes with Chris Evans RDJ looks decently tall because we're supposed to think Cap is 6'2", but actually Evans is 6'0". None of this matters, by the way, but that's my take.

No matter how tall he is, Downey still sits on top of the acting world at the moment and if he actually made a pile out of all his Marvel cash he could probably touch the moon.
Non toy question but anyone know where I can find the character posters? I really want to get the Scarlet Witch and Black Widow solo posters and have them facing off, but I can't seen to find them.