Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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RIPT Apparell is considering selling a crossbones(MCU style) t-shirt!

Its a part of their possibilitees gallery up now on their Fb page. Needs "likes" so if your a fellow Crossbones fan pls head over there and like it asap!

so want to see cap civil war opening day in Imax wearing this shirt....:panic:
Not that any of us thought they wouldn't be making figures for those movies, nice to see confirmation.
Civil War's Hot Toys lineup will be bigger than a Avengers film lmao. Is your wallet ready?
Hard to know until we at least see the characters and their designs... but I can safely say at this stage I will probably skip this lineup..
Team Cap all the way for me. Love Tony Stark's wit and humor, although deep down, Cap always does what your heart tells you is the right thing to do. Even with the scene in AoU where Vision was created, I would have been on Cap's side for advising to shut the process down out of one not fully understanding what you're toying with, predicated on the failed attempt with Ultron. I'm all for not giving up after one failed attempt, but when those attempts consist of either succeeding or another "murder bot" as being the alternative, I would have to side with stop messing with it if you don't fully understand what you're doing.

I initially stated I would probably pass on this rendition of Cap, being that the suit essentially seems to be the same as the AoU suit with only very slight modifications. However, as a Cap fan, who am I kidding when I say that I won't get it?

I've so far passed on TWS version on Falcon, and said that I would probably get the Civil War version of him being that he'll be more developed into the role of "Falcon" so to speak.
I am trying to say I wont pick up anything still, its not going to happen though...

I keep saying that I only want to pick up new characters which I do not have in my Avengers line up, its not going to happen though...

Without seeing more than the concept art and the few set photos I am grabbing Falcon and based on the description released War Machine. Other than that it depends on Widows costume and how the figure turns out, whether I buy Ant-Man from next months film or wait for his upgraded suit and I want to say that would be it. Its not going to happen though...

If the rumours of a second suit for Cap prove true and the picture I have in my head is anywhere close to what we get I will most likely pick another one up (breaking the no doubles other than IM rule) along with (yet another) Iron Man to pose fighting like the classic comic covers.

So if they all happen that will be at least 5, which is 1 more than my current Age of Ultron collection.