Captain America Civil War: Figure Discussion

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When I first saw the red on Caps chect on the AOU suit I wasn't too thrilled about it but it grew on me. A symbol of Red, White and Blue on his chest. But if CW had the white on his sleeves that would top it off. But both suits is sick. I still will be getting CW Cap even tho there is not much difference from AOU. But did someone mentioned the suit won't be magnetized?
When I first saw the red on Caps chect on the AOU suit I wasn't too thrilled about it but it grew on me. A symbol of Red, White and Blue on his chest. But if CW had the white on his sleeves that would top it off. But both suits is sick. I still will be getting CW Cap even tho there is not much difference from AOU. But did someone mentioned the suit won't be magnetized?

I like the CW suit, also. My second favorite Cap suit now. I will still be getting it, despite the close similarity to the AoU suit, being that I'm a staunch Cap fan.

I don't believe the CW Cap figure will have the magnetic shield. In CW, he goes back to his shield with the handles, without Stark's technology. I don't believe the magnetic shield on the AoU Cap figure is "new technology" on HT part in regards to how Cap's shield will attach to his arm for future figures; I believe it was merely supposed to simulate and represent the method in which his shield attached to his arm in the AoU film.
I like the CW suit, also. My second favorite Cap suit now. I will still be getting it, despite the close similarity to the AoU suit, being that I'm a staunch Cap fan.

I don't believe the CW Cap figure will have the magnetic shield. In CW, he goes back to his shield with the handles, without Stark's technology. I don't believe the magnetic shield on the AoU Cap figure is "new technology" on HT part in regards to how Cap's shield will attach to his arm for future figures; I believe it was merely supposed to simulate and represent the method in which his shield attached to his arm in the AoU film.

Yeah same here, regardless I'll be getting it. The AOU Cap is worth getting for that magnetic effect. Those were epic scences in the movie.
Yeah same here, regardless I'll be getting it. The AOU Cap is worth getting for that magnetic effect. Those were epic scences in the movie.

Yeah, the magnetic shield is awesome.

Could be part of the reason why this is and may still be a highly sought after figure in the future, being that it's the only Cap figure with that ability (depending if he goes back to it in IW).
Based on the set photos it looks like Cap has ditched the arm magnets, as they're no longer on his costume.

Thanks I couldn't tell. I can see the AOU Cap value even increase more or harder to aquire with the magnetic feature. I know its nothing really, but made me feel like a little kid playing with it and getting amused lol
Thanks I couldn't tell. I can see the AOU Cap value even increase more or harder to aquire with the magnetic feature. I know its nothing really, but made me feel like a little kid playing with it and getting amused lol

That dumb opened magnetic-hand is still the biggest WTF decision for me:lol I despise it because it takes a lot of angling to get a good shot without the fingers getting in the shot. You guys know what I mean, right?:lol
That dumb opened magnetic-hand is still the biggest WTF decision for me:lol I despise it because it takes a lot of angling to get a good shot without the fingers getting in the shot. You guys know what I mean, right?:lol

It personally doesn't bother me that much, if at all. However, if he did come with a set of magnetized hands with clenched fists, I'd definitely use one of those on the arm his shield is on.
Seeing the how the teams are, Cap got the raw end of the deal lol. Anyone who's got Vision on their team has the strongest member, considering Hulk and Thor don't seem to be involved, so far. Even BW is against Cap and they have worked together a lot for Shield.

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Seeing the how the teams are, Cap got the raw end of the deal lol. Anyone who's got Vision on their team has the strongest member, considering Hulk and Thor don't seem to be involved, so far. Even BW is against Cap and they have worked together a lot for Shield.

You know Black Widow's a spy, right?:lol
You know Black Widow's a spy, right?:lol

True, but she's already had to reveal herself to the courts, so her name is already on file. Though I do see it odd her being against Hawkeye, so I imagine she will be spying on Stark, but you'd think he would see straight through that.

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Could be part of the reason why this is and may still be a highly sought after figure in the future, being that it's the only Cap figure with that ability (depending if he goes back to it in IW).

I think it has more to do with Cap now being a popular superhero and the AoU suit being one of the best if not the best Cap design to date. Others really like the stealth suit but that figure has more than a handful of issues, probably shifted that demand towards the AoU release. Responses to the CW suit weren't overwhelmingly in favor vs the AoU look, I figured a lot of people probably just decided to pull the trigger on AoU after seeing the CW set photos. With an unmasked HS and helmet, AoU Cap also has really good value.
I think it has more to do with Cap now being a popular superhero and the AoU suit being one of the best if not the best Cap design to date. Others really like the stealth suit but that figure has more than a handful of issues, probably shifted that demand towards the AoU release. Responses to the CW suit weren't overwhelmingly in favor vs the AoU look, I figured a lot of people probably just decided to pull the trigger on AoU after seeing the CW set photos. With an unmasked HS and helmet, AoU Cap also has really good value.

I agree. That is probably the majority of the reason. :)

The magnetic shield could also be a mere part of the reason.
The STRIKE fig would have done way better had it been made like the AoU as a lot of people liked it. I dont think it would have sold out as fast as AoU because of it being available in the single and double pack