Agreed. Batman vs Black PANTHER should be overkill. Batman is basically fighting a replica of himself but eho is stronger, faster, more durable, more agile, etc.
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You nailed it- YES
Come on Spin....your hard on for BvS clouds your judgement. This was a far superior film in most folks eyes the critics and fans nailed both appropriately...![]()
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar superior![]()
Never mind the fact that T'Challa is more agile, has super-powers, is smarter and has more resources than God. It's a real mismatch, truth be told. Hell, in Secret Wars he had control over the dead as King of the Dead. He could command zombies! Not to mention he built a raft that survived the destruction of the Omniverse. Apart from that, T'Challa is everything Batman is, but turned up to 11. What I find "funny" is how some delusional fanboys think that Batman has a chance against Spider-Man, especially in a random encounter. Man, now that's some BS right there!
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar superior![]()
At this point, this pic is fact, not mere meme-material:
It has ascended to a higher plane of meme...ness...
Never mind the fact that T'Challa is more agile, has super-powers, is smarter and has more resources than God. It's a real mismatch, truth be told. Hell, in Secret Wars he had control over the dead as King of the Dead. He could command zombies! Not to mention he built a raft that survived the destruction of the Omniverse. Apart from that, T'Challa is everything Batman is, but turned up to 11. What I find "funny" is how some delusional fanboys think that Batman has a chance against Spider-Man, especially in a random encounter. Man, now that's some BS right there!
At this point, this pic is fact, not mere meme-material:
It has ascended to a higher plane of meme...ness...
Everything else, yes, but smarter? How?
I'm no Batman fanboy but I do believe he has a shot against plenty people given dudepreptimelmao or just background knowledge, random encounters? Nope, retreat it is.
Batman's good, but folks overestimae him. T'Challa, during Secret Wars, created a Raft that survived the destruction of the Omniverse. When everything turned white and the only things left were what God Emperor Doom managed to save after killing the Beyonders, T'Challa's Raft survived on its own. That's far more impressive than the Insider Suit, the JL-Buster or the OMAC. Not to mention that recently he and Blue Marvel cured Galactus and turned him into a Life-Bringer. He also created his very own branch of Physics called "Shadow Physics". Using Kimoyo he can communicate with anyone, no matter where in the Universe they are.
Batman's good. He's very good. But when compared to Tony's engineering feats, Black Panther's polymath skills, or in general to Reed or DOOM, he's not much. I won't even bring up The Maker, cause that would be a blasphemy... But yeah, Batman loses the Black Panther fight 8 times out of 10.
As for Spider-Man, there's really no way he can defeat him. Parker's a genius himself, even harnessing the Cosmic Cube's power using archaic tools. Add his speed, power, agility and whatnot, and I don't see Batman escaping. Best case scenario is if Batman has tons of prep and catches Parker in his sleep or something. If he's bloodlusted, or has relaxed morals like, say, SpOck, O'Hara or Kaine, it's game over for Batsy.
I'm a Batman fan, but he loses many of the match-ups folks believe he totes wins. It's just that his feats have been largely overrated the last couple of years, while also downplaying other characters' feats.
Man, the MCU characters are so depowered compared to their comic counterpartsThat's one thing I don't like about the MCU.
Not really.
Civil War is good - but that's it. Its nowhere near at the level of TWS. Its more an Avengers 2.5 than a Cap movie. Its fun and entertaining but extremely shallow.
The biggest problem is the film had no teeth. Nobody died, nobody got truly affected by the events of CW. So, The Avengers aren't sanctioned by the U.N. now. Honestly, who cares?
The movie should have changed the MCU forever. It didn't. All it did was introduce two new heroes.
The film opens with The Avengers performing unsanctioned work and ends with The Avengers continuing that unsanctioned work.
With BvS the world lost Superman, the JLA began to form and Batman regained his moral code.
I'll take those two dark and depressing funerals over that ******** apology letter and pointless mid-credits "resolution" for Bucky.
Cause a funeral which brings back characters is teeth....too each their own.
Eh, Cap is near perfect. Hulk if let loose I imagine would be much more lethal. Spidey looked great. T'Challa was a damn beast. Thor is really underpowered though, I will agree on that part.
I agree with your CW summary, but I can make a list for BvS too. Countries were also shaken up by Superman just stepping inwhat did BvS change? Superman died and essentially got resurected 10 minutes later. The public loves him now and Batman found a new buddy? Whoopity-****ing-do. In Civil War whole countries have been shaken up.
Dude, they couldn't even kill off Rhodey. They couldn't even paralyze him. For ****'s sake, BP forgave Zemo. They couldn't even leave the Avengers who were locked up locked up.
By the time these people see each other again they'll be high-fiving and acting as if nothing ever happened.
I had fun watching this but once I processed it all, I saw just how inconsequential it really is.
He killed my mommy ;_;Will they yell "Martha!" while they hi-five as if nothing happened?