Wow, that looks almost identical to mine. The one on the left is cracked also and the one on the right was like that except it was pointing up. What I did with mine was bend it to align with the other wing. Hopefully, it doesnt break, mine didnt. Then, put a cloth next to the wing and gently tap it in. I used the handle of a screwdriver. There will still be mostly a gap between the head and the wing and what I did was wet some white cotton balls and stuff it in. It did the trick as it is barely noticeable. I was gonna use putty or whatever customizers use to fill the gap then paint it, but the gap on mine was very little and I was gonna use the cotton balls to temporarily hide it. But the cotton balls actually did a decent job, and the way I see it, unless someone was really paying attention to it, they probably couldnt even tell, so I left it as it is.