For me better than Thor 1.
Don't worry my friend... the alcohol will wear off soon enough.
For me better than Thor 1.
Don't worry my friend... the alcohol will wear off soon enough.![]()
I think CM handled the time spent on earth better than Thor 1.
I'll be seeing CM tonight so I'll find out.If AEG manages to stick the landing, then I hope this ends up being one of those origins that I can binge watch prior to the "big finale".
I just feel like it will be hard to top this:
I don’t know man but I always liked those cheesy UFO/Alien B movies and CM had some of that Area 51 charm for me especially with.....don’t read it khev lolGoose the freaking alien cat
My expectations are pretty low and I'm really into that Area 51 stuff, so I hope I enjoy this too. Over the past few years I've become a bit of a sucker for almost any MCU standalone origin story given how rarely we get them these days.
Good to hear. I hope I enjoy it just as much.
However we have not been seeing eye to eye lately with the big movies.![]()
I love it! My white male Christian Conservative friends.![]()
Nobody will change their minds .....RT is now a political platform. And yeah I do really believe that. Its part of the culture wars, and I would say half the reviews are trolls or paid.....on either side. Its completely unreliable. Solo was the breaking point for me. It took a long time for it to get to 65%. Started out in the 30% same as CM.
I think we are seeing the corruption of the internet by special interests. This is just another example. Many people have made up their minds even before seeing it, and those most extreme views come from them, before and after seeing it (if they ever do)
Sorry, I see a 30% score as impossible for a big budget film, its over reacting....I will find out myself this week, but its VERY highly likely this is more sensitivity to drama, than true bad art. At least I hope so for the MCU sake.
By the numbers that says its 70% worse than all the films made? I doubt that highly.
Ill save my 30% score for truly awful films, like The Twilight series and Battlefield Earth.....the 10% and lower is Bollywood and Syfy level.
For the record the MCU is not perfect in my eyes. THor TDW and both AntMan films are pretty bad in my eyes, but neither of those are in 30% territory, maybe 50% for TDW.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Well don’t get me wrong Thor 1 is still overall a great entry and one of my favorites and it does some things better than CM but really what i’m trying to convey with CM is that “Holy crap this isn’t the dud I was expecting!” lol
I don’t know man but I always liked those cheesy UFO/Alien B movies and CM had some of that Area 51 charm for me especially with.....don’t read it khev lolGoose the freaking alien cat
Well don’t go in expecting alot of that vibe but what was there was enough to put a grin on my grumpy cynical face.
Hmm as far as an MCU origin story ranking I would say it’s pretty damn unique enough to stand out from the pack without it really being better than the others if that makes any sense, you’ll see what i’m getting at.
Had I known the twists and spoilers beforehand I might’ve not been as pleasantly surprised with the final product.
Put it this way there is no shame in this movie existing in the MCU.
I was so bummed out thinking why now Marvel why the movie a month before AEG do you go and make your first real dud.
It’s not even close to being a dud.
I was surprised how much I loved the pacing and connected with the core mystery surrounding her origin.
For me better than BP, AM 1 and 2, TIH, IM2, IM3, Thor 1 and 2.
I need to see it again to see how I compare it to Thor 3.
Her final look when all lit up was really bad ass especially the heat distortion around her just wow.
Oh and the sound design was freaking spectacular especially the rumble from the vehicle rockets.
And of course there’s such a thing as reverse racism and oppression from either extreme side is a real thing and can only lead to harm and destruction to those being oppressed but do yourself a favor ignore her personal opinions on white male movie critics (I mean seriously critics lol), clear your mind relax and watch.
Having read the comics I was hoping/expecting Goose would be a Flerken, so while I wasn't surprised that in no way ruined it for me, Credit to the writers/directors for their restraint and the timing of that reveal. And the Skrull/Kree plot twist was well executed. I did not see that coming.
BTW, what was the one thing that bugged you about the movie? Could you conceal it with a spoiler tag for us?