Celebration Anaheim 2015 - April 16-19 - Confirmed!

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Well, without getting into any specifics, we will be helping the design team with ensuring that certain SW experiences in the park are as realistic as possible. They contacted us because we've been to most of the real world filming locations. So that should possibly hint at something. ;)

As far as the tours... we're in the process of setting up a Fall tour right now. But if you're planning on going out to California for CVII in April 2015, I highly recommend you plan on staying a few extra days after the convention and go on that SWRT tour...

Any tours immediately BEFORE the convention? I'd prefer to do one before, cuz the con will tire me out, and I'll have bought a lot of crap...
Carl, do you guys go everywhere on the tour, including the west road? :panic:

Yup! All 8 major locations, over 2 days... with plenty of time at each for photoshoots, etc.

We'll be staying 2 nights in Death Valley (at the Furnace Creek Ranch). That would be the Monday and Tuesday nights. It's a 2 hour drive from there to Vegas (5 hours from/to L.A.).

Here's what we'll be visiting:

  • Mos Eisley Overlook
  • The Road to Jabba’s Palace
  • Jawa Canyon (The Jawas’ Crevasse)
  • Bantha Canyon
  • Artoo’s Arroyo
  • Sandcrawler Station
  • Landspeeder Road
  • Artoo’s Dunes

I expect it's easier to fly out of Vegas, then?
Yeah, that's what I would recommend.
We should rent a 4 wheel drive for Landspeeder road! :lol

I kid, but I wouldn't want to take our CR-V out there. Still wanna see it though.
I'd love to have Artoo ready by then!

Hey! What happened to all of our feedback and blog entries usually under our user names?
Just a few examples...

Mos Eisley Overlook (Dante's View):


Our Pic:

Jawa Canyon:



Road to Jabba's Palace:


Our pic (without any color correction):