lol@$300 head sculpts
Although, I don't think that's a bad thing....
Guy's a ***** magnet.
Guy's a ***** magnet.
Naughty bits covered dude
Also, George Clooney. He plays himself 100% of the time.
What this says to me is that funding in the sciences is abysmal. When you have to rely on the entertainment industry to make discoveries in the field of astrophysics, something is terribly wrong.
still, cool news.
Huh? That makes no sense. First, no one was 'relying' on anyone. Second, the technology used to create the very cool images is pretty specific to the entertainment industry, which btw isn't poorly funded, considering the billions spent on movie production each year. Physics isn't poorly funded either - but I wouldn't expect them to spend 100's of millions on the sort of specialized systems that are key to the entertainment industry. Instead this is a perfect example of using tools thought to have only applications in one area for a completely different area, and getting some great results.
Reviews coming in, lotta negatives. Had a colleague who was pumped for it who saw it and he hated it. He's usually swinging off Nolan's balls.
My friend sees it in a couple of days, I want to see what he thinks first. I'm still seeing this though, probably not IMAX.
And obviously, there have been script changes since it was leaked a while back. I don't think the sex scenes are in it any more.
Read a few reviews- APPARENTLY it is not as amazing and cutting edge as people are anticipating- lots of "personal and intimate" stuff drowning out the sci fi stuff. Even the good reviews have some criticisms of parts of it. Read it has the Nolan multiple endings thing going on. I think I'll be bored until the space flight begins..
I am a huge Nolan fan ( don't like hanging though) but always had my reservations on this one..hope I'm wrong!
I haven't been following this movie much but based on what I've seen from trailers and TV Spots it appears to be a drama film with an element of sci-fi and not a sci-fi film with a solid drama story to it.