This CM Vader statue might be accurate, but the pose and the price are a break dealer. The pose is still awkward, really not how I see Darth Vader. The price is also quite big considering that for this amount of money (or maybe a bit more) you could get a life-size accurate Vader which will be more impressive than any scaled statue.
I agree the pose is just ok, cm trying to combine the lightsaber in hand pose with the force choke. Came out a bit awkward.
But i never understand the part about having a life-size vader instead, someone also said you can buy a vader suit for the same price. To me they are completely different, i DONT WANT a life-scale piece or some prop, the attraction of those statues are their intricate details in smaller size, once it becomes large it loses its appeal. Actually i would preferred a 1/4 scale instead of 1/3, but that's as big as it can go. Anything bigger just loses its wow factor.
It is having a REAL Vader in the house that makes a "wow" factor.
It's funny to read this when your Dutch
Dutch - English
Vader = Father
But to the point, I'm with jkno. I rather have a full scale suit/helmet than a scaled replica. Mostly because the scaled versions are not as screen accurate as the bigger pieces. But if you look close at the real Darth Vader costume you will see that it loses the coolness factor because it's just some rubber suit with plastic boxes and a cape.
So that's what I understand about gagaliya's point
I guess it's different for each person, i agree for small items like weapons 1:1 scale is great and captures the essence of the item.
But for statues, having a small 1/4 version with all the details is a big wow factor, having a 1:1 is just strange, i cant imagine having a life sized vader standing in my living room having any kind of appeal other than scaring the crap out of people lol.
A good comparison would be those swarovski animals, the tiny finger sized rabbit looks very cool and intricate. Now if you blow it up to life size sculpture, it loses all appeal.
I agree that life-size is not for everyone. There are some reasons for that: limited display space, restricted budget, etc. I also cannot get all the life-size items I'd like to have, but still I think they are way more impressive than any scaled item.
With enough space and the right display life-size can't be beaten. I only collect busts but if I had the cash and space I'd go full 1:1.
They are are great compromise for someone with too much ____ in too small a place for sure!