Cinemaquette - Darth Vader

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As a precaution, If you want to slide on the mask without chaffing the silicon or rubbing off paint, you can take clear plastic like What his head comes wrapped in and cover his noggin before sliding on the face mask ... I did that and it worked fine, but I wouldn't let it stay on overnight or anything...I like vader to be able to breath... Take care not to place any excess stress on his ears makes sure they are flat against his head
As a precaution, If you want to slide on the mask without chaffing the silicon or rubbing off paint, you can take clear plastic like What his head comes wrapped in and cover his noggin before sliding on the face mask ... I did that and it worked fine, but I wouldn't let it stay on overnight or anything...I like vader to be able to breath... Take care not to place any excess stress on his ears makes sure they are flat against his head

Thanks, I'll try that....might try it in a few weeks once I work up the courage. :lol

Do you squeeze on the sides of the mask to make the "hooks" on the mask fit inside the piece below his head and slide in past his ears?
Thanks, I'll try that....might try it in a few weeks once I work up the courage. :lol

Do you squeeze on the sides of the mask to make the "hooks" on the mask fit inside the piece below his head and slide in past his ears?

On mine I didn't have to squeeze very much to get the hooks in. I did gently pull the sides apart as sliding it on to minimize contact with the silicone head...if that makes sense. I was very nervous too, but after a couple times putting the mask on and off, you'll get comfortable doing it. I personally like the look with his mask on. The mask is my favorite part.
Hey Vader Al, what did you use for the EFX Vader stand? Looks good man.

Thanks! The ESB Luke helmet has the one that came from EFx, the Stormy and Legend Vader helmets were paper towel holders from Walmart, $12.00, I think. I used the pole that came with the Vader helmet though and screwed it into the base of the paper towel holder.
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Thanks! The ESB Luke helmet has the one that came from EFx, the Stormy and Legend Vader helmets were paper towel holders from Walmart, $12.00, I think. I used the pole that came with the Vader helmet though and screwed it into the base of the paper towel holder.

What kind of shelves are you sing...looks great! Did you double up on the glass too?
It's a display case I bought from a shop that was going out of business, paid like $200 so I was happy with that. I did have 3 levels but took one out and used it to double up on the glass that the CM Vader and the helmet are on, doubled up on the screw in metal pegs that holds the glass shelf up too. I'm going to add some kind of fail safe brace to also keep the shelf up, just for added protection.

Love it. This piece is badass.
You can never have enough Sith statues. :D

I feel like I have enough now...this is my one and only Star Wars piece. I used to have the SS Vader PF and Stormtrooper PF, but I sold them last year to get this one.
CM Vader and Attakus Vader 1 & 2 and the GG kneeling Vader make up my Star Wars collection.....the Mythos Vader will put the icing on the cake. Vader's so bad ***