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1/6 figurine collectors are just so hurt by this line it's boarderline comical...:lol

apparantly no room in the Joe section for statues I guess, which limits me being here, because it mostly trash talking and gets boring after awhile, we get it you think 12" figures are better, great move along. :impatient:
apparantly no room in the Joe section for statues I guess, which limits me being here, because it mostly trash talking and gets boring after awhile, we get it you think 12" figures are better, great move along. :impatient:

No, it all about attitude. The attitude of those that are the PF/statue fans for the Joe license have come across as if they collect the better items. Also as I said using the term figurine comes across as you're talking down. Figurines are something you buy at a gift shop these 1:6th FIGURES are not that. Hell, the ____ you buy at Wal-Mart like the McFarlane stuff is closer to figurine. As I started its all attitude as far as I'm concerned and some not being able to take a joke.
I collect all Joe items, statues, toys, comics, art and 12" figures I just don't open the toys. I prefer statues to toys, but will always love my Joe action figures and SS's 12" figures.

I never understood the argument my stuff is better than your stuff, why is it even necessary?

I guess I see more than just toys and statues, I appreciate the art that is put into a 3 3/4" figure up to a 1:1 statue, not the collectibility, or the pride of having something better than another, but the look of just having something kicka$$ on your shelf.
I collect all Joe items, statues, toys, comics, art and 12" figures I just don't open the toys. I prefer statues to toys, but will always love my Joe action figures and SS's 12" figures.

I never understood the argument my stuff is better than your stuff, why is it even necessary?

I guess I see more than just toys and statues, I appreciate the art that is put into a 3 3/4" figure up to a 1:1 statue, not the collectibility, or the pride of having something better than another, but the look of just having something kicka$$ on your shelf.

Makes 2 of us.
apparantly no room in the Joe section for statues I guess, which limits me being here, because it mostly trash talking and gets boring after awhile, we get it you think 12" figures are better, great move along. :impatient:

I'm guessing some took the word "figurine" and ran with it, but I agree move on already. Like I've said we all collect figurines or what ever you want to label it, it's your collection and who cares what someone else labels them. But if some what to get butt hurt and then label them as snobs, by all means that's fine with me. I see it as they are grown men and "they can take it how they want too." I will be the last one to offer any apologies on that matter. I don't think that's being a snob, but yet a man marching to beat of his own drummer. If that something that some take a dislike towards me...I DON'T CARE! Those that know me from the Statueforum (like yourself) knows that I'm nothing close to be a snob, or anything like that nor do I piss on anyones collecting habits. But I will not explain myself to anyone just to make them feel better. If you like me, you like me and if you don't then...YOU DON'T. Move on with life and let it go, but if they can't seem to do that, to list they go...:wink1:

Other than that it's room for all types of Joe collectors in this hobby, and I hope that every Joe's collector gets what he or she desires to see in their collection. I just choose to see more Joe's PF than action figurines...:lol
wow where did this thread go?

Yeah, I skipped it for like 3-4 days hoping it got back on track, but seems the same individuals are keeping it offtrack and offtopic.

I think this has more to do with the excitement (or lack thereof) of the exclusive headsculpt. It seems a lot of people much prefer the helmeted mask and are content with the regular as opposed to forking over $30 immediately for something they don't really want. They could have 5000 takers for the regular for all we know. We'll just have to see when the Reg ES is announced and it ships.

I had to decide and I went with the EX as I remember as a kid mailing away for the hooded 3 3/4 Cobra Commander and actually at times preferring him more than the helmeted one.

I must have the hooded portrait and am pleased with what Sideshow is providing us. I just don't think cloth would have worked here.

I noticed SSC doesn't seem to like to use anything not-sculpted for masks or hats, etc.

apparantly no room in the Joe section for statues I guess, which limits me being here, because it mostly trash talking and gets boring after awhile, we get it you think 12" figures are better, great move along. :impatient:

Trash talking is beyond boring here. It's the same 3 people and they've overtaken the thread. I have both styles and they are both called figures and anyone on the outside of the hobby would still collectively call us all nerds or geeks. lol

No, it all about attitude. The attitude of those that are the PF/statue fans for the Joe license have come across as if they collect the better items. Also as I said using the term figurine comes across as you're talking down. Figurines are something you buy at a gift shop these 1:6th FIGURES are not that. Hell, the ____ you buy at Wal-Mart like the McFarlane stuff is closer to figurine. As I started its all attitude as far as I'm concerned and some not being able to take a joke.

I've seen more attitude of the 12inch collectors in this PF thread than anything. If we are to the point that a generalization term has everyone's underwear in a knot, that's pretty bad. Anyone's post can be taken the wrong way. I say stop acting like little girls and get past it.
There will be more. Too big of a license not too, I am sure they paid out the nose for it.

Would be a crime shame if we didn't get a chance at owning a Snake Eyes PF, Storm Shadow, Zartan, Flint and a few other that I left off. I know that this line of PF's will make it no matter how much others don't want it too. It just has to much potential not to work. Marvel didn't start as statues if I'm correct. I remember when I was in college '94-'98 buying X-Men figurines from Toy-R-Us. So, if X-Men could make the crossover into statue form. Why can't Joe's do the same? They have enough iconic character's that can make it work, just as Marvel has. I'm sure if this CC doesn't do well, then they will do what they did with the dio's and drop the ES a little. I just can't see Snakes Eyes not doing well unless Sideshow plays around to much with the sculpting and not make him classic looking. As long as Sideshow keeps it classic this line will thrive in the long run. The CC is a great indication that they plan to keep it classic.
I've seen more attitude of the 12inch collectors in this PF thread than anything. If we are to the point that a generalization term has everyone's underwear in a knot, that's pretty bad. Anyone's post can be taken the wrong way. I say stop acting like little girls and get past it.

You've been here for two months. :lol I've been here for going on 8 years and seen it be the other way around more often than not. As far as terms its mostly the attitude that goes with them. Its clearly used as a way to be a ____ towards folks who someone feels collects something inferior that or the person doesn't get the term. Not really. Most posts are clearly stated in a way that its obvious as to whats meant and if you're here longer you'll know who is just screwing around to screw around.
I don't think anyone thinks the 12 inch are inferior to PF. They are just different. They certainly aren't inferior in price.
I don't think anyone thinks the 12 inch are inferior to PF. They are just different. They certainly aren't inferior in price.

I would disagree totally on that point. I've seen it from members many times before. They are different and both awesome IMO.
IMO they are both overpriced, both cool (something I wish existed in the 80's when I was collecting 3 3/4 figures), and both nitpicked to death, particularly the sculpts on PF's. I've read enough threads to see ____ retentiveness is in the majority. Anything mass produced is going to have defects. I'm lazy. I like something I don't have to pose or change my Barney Ross can attest to as he stands in the same green t-shirt since the first day I dressed him ;) But damned if I can't see the awesomeness in him and my PF's which I just added ROTLA Indy.
IMO they are both overpriced, both cool (something I wish existed in the 80's when I was collecting 3 3/4 figures), and both nitpicked to death, particularly the sculpts on PF's. I've read enough threads to see ____ retentiveness is in the majority. Anything mass produced is going to have defects. I'm lazy. I like something I don't have to pose or change my Barney Ross can attest to as he stands in the same green t-shirt since the first day I dressed him ;) But damned if I can't see the awesomeness in him and my PF's which I just added ROTLA Indy.

I don't mind posing them its kind of fun though I don't do it a ton mind you. I tend to treat them as mini-PF to be honest.