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I don't mind posing them its kind of fun though I don't do it a ton mind you. I tend to treat them as mini-PF to be honest.

I'm nowhere near as talented as some with their photography skills so I feel the whole articulation and parts and clothing are kinda wasted on me. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome to open Barney and even Han Solo Bespin and see all the parts and know I can change things around. I just seemed to have lost my imagination. The three 1/6th I have are all just standing
I'm nowhere near as talented as some with their photography skills so I feel the whole articulation and parts and clothing are kinda wasted on me. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome to open Barney and even Han Solo Bespin and see all the parts and know I can change things around. I just seemed to have lost my imagination. The three 1/6th I have are all just standing

oh my goodness sir, get to posing man!!! :dunno
Yep... this should have had an Edition Size of 200-250, not 500. This will likely sit in the warehouse like the Mola Ram PF (which is a shame, because that PF is an absolute grand slam home run).

This is good for those of us who will find the Regular edition on the cheap (or use Gift Cards to get the Ex.)

The NRD is skunking folks who pre-ordered this, so far :(
Simply being a solid piece isnt enough anymore. Economy is ____, people are unemployed, and prices (of everything) are insane. Its just the way it is.
The NRD is skunking folks who pre-ordered this, so far :(

True that. As I said a few weeks ago:

I'm sure you can wait on the CC PF though. If I hadn't ordered it'd sell out in a week then triple in price. Now that I've handed over a deposit you're pretty much guaranteed to get the exclusive for a nice discount with a gift card. :monkey1

:lecture :mad:
I dont think so, but what they should do, is give people who order right away and leave a NRD a slight reduction , ala save 10% if ordered today type of deal.

Sounds like a good idea. Unfortunately, SS has done it the other way around in the past. With the Conan PF EX they gave people with the regular the EX for Reg price, when it didn't sell out (leaving people who pre-ordered the piece pissed with having to pay more).
I dont think so, but what they should do, is give people who order right away and leave a NRD a slight reduction , ala save 10% if ordered today type of deal.

Or just don't charge the 10% fee unless the item is canceled after a certain date. A lot of retailers do that.
Yeah I really did think CC PF was going to sell out quick. I still think once in hand pics start floating around people will want to pick it up.
I plan on being very selective with the Joe PFs. Baroness appears to be one that I may pick up, CC not so much.
i think it looks cool and i may still pick it up. kind of wish they had gone with the light blue color though.
I dont think so, but what they should do, is give people who order right away and leave a NRD a slight reduction , ala save 10% if ordered today type of deal.

Hmm, discount early on? No way but that would be nice.

Or just don't charge the 10% fee unless the item is canceled after a certain date. A lot of retailers do that.

Yes! Yes this is the answer.
The latter sounds good, but then people would just cancel before the cut off

Thats why that plan is really no good. Make people put up or shut up when something goes up for order. I'm not a fan of NRD's but hey if it makes things a bit easier and keeps people from order and causing issues with lines I'm cool.
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Thats why that plan is really no good. Make people put up or shut up when something goes up for order. I'm not a fan of NRD's but hey if it makes things a bit easier and keeps people from order and causing issues with lines I'm cool.

As the supplying business the onus is on Sideshow to:

1) Make quality products people want;
2) Price them reasonably;
3) Keep Edition Sizes in check so as not to over-saturate the demand

If they did that consistently, I guarantee you the NRD would never have been necessary. Now it's the customers and collectors who are literally having to pay for Sideshow sometimes over-producing stuff, missing the mark on quality, or offering items no one really wants. And for making stuff in polystone (like 1:6 environments) that could be made much more affordably from other materials while looking just as nice (this is where they fail on pricing half the time).

This Cobra Commander PF almost surely failed at #3 above.