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If the line gains some steam, I can see them doing those, why not? those characters to me are just as important as the main characters. I think most of those would do better than the main characters from the heroes side other than SE, scarlett, LAdy Jaye
nah ladies sell, they just need to sex her up and it reaches a whole new side of collectors. Much like Baroness, there are people ordering just cuz she looks good.
What about Vampirella comiq and PF, they sold out because they looked great, I don't think it was soley on just the character. IF well done enough statues sell easily, or at least eventually.
Don't know what =/= means, but other examples of obscure sexy characters being made are Majik, Darkchilde, Madam Hydra, Savage She Hulk, I know they are marvel, but pretty obscure, enough popularity in making sexy statues to have them made, but I am just saying if enough momentum is built up in this line a Lady Jaye could be a good possibility, maybe they will test alot of the waters with comiquettes...however the SE and timber is in the same ballpark, so I don't know how they will really determine what characters fall into what scale.
Don't know what =/= means, but other examples of obscure sexy characters being made are Majik, Darkchilde, Madam Hydra, Savage She Hulk, I know they are marvel, but pretty obscure, enough popularity in making sexy statues to have them made, but I am just saying if enough momentum is built up in this line a Lady Jaye could be a good possibility, maybe they will test alot of the waters with comiquettes...however the SE and timber is in the same ballpark, so I don't know how they will really determine what characters fall into what scale.

Scarlett would be a no-brainer. Especially after Baroness. But you're talking about a 3rd Tier (unless you're Kara) Joe. At $350+, it'd be entirely foolish to risk it. We're not talking about X-Men, and Adam Hughes. G.I. Joe =/= (does not equal) Marvel's superheroes.
I know it is slim chance, I would think Lady Jaye (who appeared heavily in the show and comics, I would definitely put her in the 2nd tier category) has a much better chance at selling out than Flint or Duke, or even cobra characters, mainly because she is a woman, and women always sell pretty good.
I know it is slim chance, I would think Lady Jaye (who appeared heavily in the show and comics, I would definitely put her in the 2nd tier category) has a much better chance at selling out than Flint or Duke, or even cobra characters, mainly because she is a woman, and women always sell pretty good.

Disagree 100%. Outside of G.I. Joe, she's basically a butch carpet muncher dressed in OD fatigues with a trucker's cap. Inside the license proper, she doesn't hold a candle to those two. So outside of the Joe license, the only appeal she'd have would be to lesbians and rednecks... still not enough to support the release. :huh :lol
wow what did Lady Jaye ever do to you :lol

Truth hurts? :dunno

Don't lose sight of who we're talking about here. :lol:

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I think SS could easily make an awesome LJ, I would avoid the older baggy clothes she tends to have, SS could make some nice adjustments/updates to the outfit like Baroness, plus get used to her as she is already cast in the upcoming movie. Scarlett and Baroness supposedly are out :(

This is art I have, sorry for the crappy pic but you get the idea.