I am sure there are some stupid puffs who will still think this a better way to handle it then legally.
Do you feel so much better now that you specifically attacked me once again?

I am sure there are some stupid puffs who will still think this a better way to handle it then legally.
I can't believe that people actually think that the NCAA is trying to punish the offending individuals with this ruling. As other have said, they are making an example Penn State, making a statement that moral values are more important than a football program. They are sending a clear message that affairs like these are not to be covered up.
Yes, there are many people out there that will be affected that had nothing to do with this scandal, but, for example, if the company you work for goes bankrupt because of poor decisions made by the people at the top, it doesn't make you any less unemployed. Thems the brakes.
As far as whether or not the NCAA has the power to make such a ruling: It's their yard. If you want to play in it you must do so by their rules.
Sorry man. This makes ZERO sense. Your sense of justice is warped.
Sorry man. This makes ZERO sense. Your sense of justice is warped.
I think you are confusing the legal system with the NCAA. This has nothing to do with justice.
The NCAA was founded in 1906 to protect young people from the dangerous and exploitive athletics practices of the time.
What the hell do those pictures prove?
The ugly spectacle of what came of not doing the right thing in 1998. Sandusky was allowed to retire as a beloved coach, not child rapist..
I'm pretty sure people around him want him dead.![]()
They do now, 13 years too late.
If he had been properly exposed in 1998, he would have been denied access the access to boys that he enjoyed as a famous and well-liked ex-coach.
You really do not even grasp the fundamentals of this case do you?
“As a graduate of The Ohio State University, I never thought that I would be writing about anything that related to Penn State. But, I can no longer take the ignorance and lynch mob mentality of many of the media outlets, as well as the general populace. It has always amazed me that we (readers and listeners of mass media) have become so lazy that we swallow every morsel of so called news as gospel. Lest we forget that the media must sell their wares in order to remain in business. With the advent of ever evolving technology that task has become increasing more difficult. As a result, the media too have evolved. What used to be a respected profession, where journalistic integrity and the reporting of the facts were not only the norm, but were sacred and guarded, has now become a mission to remain relevant and profitable. Their integrity and reporting of the facts have often taken a back seat to the sensationalizing of some facet of the news. It’s no longer good enough to simply report the facts and allow the readers or listeners to form their own judgment or opinion. Many articles today are merely watered down editorials with morsels of the truth thrown in so one could call it a news article. I believe that the media are the most powerful people in the world. We have been led to believe, in fact brain washed in a sense, to accept the words of the media as an unbiased and fair representation of the facts. The Sandusky Sex Scandal, or as it’s better know the Penn State Sex Scandal… because the word “Sandusky” won’t sell as many papers or TV ads as “Penn State”, is a prime example of the media gone wrong. I continue to be amazed by the irrational comments from generally intelligent people. Their naive acceptance of the media’s portrayal of the students/athletes, as well as Joe Paterno and other officials at Penn State is very bothersome to me and it should be to you. For those of us who have actually read Louis Freeh’s report (which is the most comprehensive study about the Sandusky Sex Scandal) with an open mind, it must make you wonder about a number of things. One of the most basic tenets of the entire document has been largely ignored by media. The report clearly states that in 1998 an investigation took place regarding Sandusky and alleged misconduct with young boys. The District Attorney along with the police department and several state organizations conducted numerous interviews. School officials, parents and alleged victims were all questioned. The investigation was closed and no charges were filed. Sandusky should have been stopped in 1998. He wasn’t. The report went on to say that law enforcement and child welfare officials were ill equipped and not sufficiently trained to adequately recognize and handle adolescent sexual abuse. What? Why isn’t that the headline? Apparently, that won’t sell as many ads or newspapers. That one sentence shines a whole new light on this entire tragedy. If the professionals who are hired to serve and protect didn’t have the proper knowledge, training and education as it pertained to adolescent abuse, what makes everyone think that a football coach or academic officials should? However, not one media outlet picked up on that and reported the finding. Apparently, it wasn’t sensational enough. In 2001, having been through a Sandusky investigation just three years prior, Joe Paterno reported yet another incident to school officials. Knowing the result of the 1998 investigation, one might understand (not condone, but understand) why, after the initial report was filed, there was limited follow up on the part of Joe Paterno. There’s no doubt that Paterno and school officials made some horrendous decisions. But, so did the law enforcement personnel and state agencies who were supposed to be knowledgeable about pedophiles and their characteristics. I question why the media and many of you are holding a football coach and an administration to a higher standard than law enforcement and agencies whose job it is to protect all of us? Would you hold Child Protective Services, State Police or the District Attorney responsible if the Nittany Lions lost a football game? Of course not. It’s irrational and idiotic. I’m not downplaying the acts of Sandusky. They were horrific! Further, I’m not defending anyone, but simply pointing out the fact that the mob is trying to condemn Penn State’s current students, athletes and officials for grievous acts committed 12 or 14 years ago. For the most part, today’s student body at Penn State were just getting out of diapers when these acts occurred. How is it rational or just for them to be punished? One final thought. During the same time frame of 12 to 14 years, the students at Penn State have raised and donated nearly $100 million dollars for research and a cure for pediatric cancer. Thousands of young lives have been saved or made better because of the students at Penn State. Let’s stop casting aspersions and not forget all of the good they have done. So, before you jump on the band wagon, perhaps you should know the facts and not just what the media want you to believe. I’m proud to be a Buckeye, but feel very sad for the victims, students and everyone who calls Happy Valley home.”
Someone took the time to calmly lay everything out. And guess what school they are from?
Maybe because even you have to admit it was the Police and the DA failed here.
Way to live up to your name stupid puffs.
Well the promise to not so it again was good enough for the cops why would it not be good enough for Penn St?The issue here is that you apologists for Penn State are not intelligent enough to distinguish between legal and administrative remedies.
The failure of the police and DA in no way prevented Spanier and Paterno from banning Sandusky from bringing children onto campus or to Penn State events. He had openly admitted to improper conduct.
Their negligence in 1998 created an environment that allowed Sandusky to abuse more victims over the following four years in direct connection to his standing with Penn State.
The fact you see no problem with that is basically an admission that you personally would have done no more to protect children than the Penn State administration did. Your sick complacency is why children have such a hard time getting abuse allegations properly handled.
Remember even Paterno said: "I wish I had done more".
Well the promise to not so it again was good enough for the cops why would it not be good enough for Penn St?
Do you even read the crap you write of you do you write random things you read somewhere else that you though sounded smart.
No, sorry I do not accept a promise to not molest a child again as "good enough".
It is sick to even watch you argue that in light of Sandusy's continued string of rape and abuse after 1998. Child molesters are serial predators.
Like I said you are EXACTLY the sort of coward that enables these longtime abusers.