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Which is cool.... When a line starts it seems like everything is a must have but at some point you either decide that you're a completest or you draw a line in the sand and say "I'm collecting only this."

Well, I've decided to stop chasing exclusives in the Star Wars line unless they're musts like the Emperor and Indy in German Disguise broke me of being a completist in that line. That's saving me enough right there to pick up the Joe line.
I don't know where else to post this but I think it was this thread that someone stated to order stuff from

All I can say that it's absurd the amount of time he has taken to ship his orders, I will not be ordering from this place ever again.

Ordered on Feburary 6th I think.... I can't remember it's was almost a month ago and he's located in NY.

I am currently working on a backlog of orders. Due to the current economy and family obligations, I've had to work a full-time job, which has only given me 2 full fays to pack and ship orders.

So as not to delay your order, I will ship the following items tomorrow, February 23, 2010, via USPS Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation:
I don't know where else to post this but I think it was this thread that someone stated to order stuff from

All I can say that it's absurd the amount of time he has taken to ship his orders, I will not be ordering from this place ever again.

Ordered on Feburary 6th I think.... I can't remember it's was almost a month ago and he's located in NY.

What are fays? And if he meant "days" does that mean he's worked 24hrs a day for 16 days straight? :lol
What are fays? And if he meant "days" does that mean he's worked 24hrs a day for 16 days straight? :lol

I didn't even notice that typo, I just copied and pasted it... I mean I can understand that we all have full time jobs, heck I have sponsored jobs besides my full time day job with the supplement companies and gyms and I'm able to find hours to do extra activities along with a workout schedule. I just find it hard to believe in two days of freedom he can't pack a couple boots, some gear and military suit and mail it off....
I have ordered from him a few times and never had an issue
Quit being an impatient butthole
I have been waiting for a Cobra Sniper body/head from him for even longer than that. And he had some things that I ordered and they were not in stock though they were still up on his website. I emailed him and asked him what was up and he told me that this is a second job for him that he runs out of his house.

I can kind of relate to his situation with me starting to sell of my non-Star Wars/G.I. Joe collection items. It is a pain. But the prices at redplanettoy are also very, very good as they are about half of Toy Anxiety. So I will hang with the delay.
I didn't even notice that typo, I just copied and pasted it... I mean I can understand that we all have full time jobs, heck I have sponsored jobs besides my full time day job with the supplement companies and gyms and I'm able to find hours to do extra activities along with a workout schedule. I just find it hard to believe in two days of freedom he can't pack a couple boots, some gear and military suit and mail it off....

When I first started the magazine, I had a full time job at the mortuary AND was on call. I just dedicated 2hrs a day to packing magazines into polybags and shipping envelopes when I wasn't working and 2hrs ever Saturday at the post office and that prevented me from getting buried in backlog.
I have ordered from him a few times and never had an issue
Quit being an impatient butthole

:lol three weeks he's in the U.S. (ebay overseas I can understand), I am patient otherwise I would really angry and come to his doorstep like I would on you.

It's cool though, just longer than I would expect something, since I usually order from Monkeydepot or TA.
I have been waiting for a Cobra Sniper body/head from him for even longer than that. And he had some things that I ordered and they were not in stock though they were still up on his website. I emailed him and asked him what was up and he told me that this is a second job for him that he runs out of his house.

I can kind of relate to his situation with me starting to sell of my non-Star Wars/G.I. Joe collection items. It is a pain. But the prices at redplanettoy are also very, very good as they are about half of Toy Anxiety. So I will hang with the delay.

Interesting and WOW, yeah that's not the complete order that I'm getting as well, I have to wait a lil longer on certain to finish the order.

His prices are decent that is true. All good, at least they should be here this week.
I have been waiting for a Cobra Sniper body/head from him for even longer than that. And he had some things that I ordered and they were not in stock though they were still up on his website. I emailed him and asked him what was up and he told me that this is a second job for him that he runs out of his house.

I can kind of relate to his situation with me starting to sell of my non-Star Wars/G.I. Joe collection items. It is a pain. But the prices at redplanettoy are also very, very good as they are about half of Toy Anxiety. So I will hang with the delay.

A 2nd job doesn't excuse poor customer service. There's no reason he couldn't have let you or Ski know beforehand (hell post it on the front page of the ____ing website!) that there would be a delay. There's really no excuse, especially when the ____'s in stock. There're people powerselling on EbaY who have full time jobs and yet still manage to get their ____ out sooner than that.
Interesting and WOW, yeah that's not the complete order that I'm getting as well, I have to wait a lil longer on certain to finish the order.

His prices are decent that is true. All good, at least they should be here this week.

I got the Sniper sculpt and the pro body for 17.00. The head sculpt alone at Toy Anxiety was 15.00. Also the Sniper's uniform was 17.00 or 18.00 at TA and 10.00 at RPT. The Helmet (the item that was out of stock) was 5.00.

Last time I ordered from him, it was pretty quick, though.
I don't know where else to post this but I think it was this thread that someone stated to order stuff from

All I can say that it's absurd the amount of time he has taken to ship his orders, I will not be ordering from this place ever again.

Ordered on Feburary 6th I think.... I can't remember it's was almost a month ago and he's located in NY.

Same thing happened to me a couple of months back. I don't use Red Planet anymore either.
Hes probably a member here and knows it was Skispams order and has it sitting in his laundy basket for a while.
Hes probably a member here and knows it was Skispams order and has it sitting in his laundy basket for a while.

:lol:lol:lol....... awesome..... wait, no I'll CRUSH HIM!!!!!

Nah in a seriously point, as long as I get my stuff I'm cool, just don't like to keep dibs on someone to get into gear about shipping items off. It seems he's inconsistent and although the prices are really good I'd rather have my items sooner.

Ski has spoken, goodbye.