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Re: Firefly GI Joe RAH Bash

How bout this one guys?
Re: Firefly GI Joe RAH Bash

Single best Firefly that I have seen...and I have seen abuncha damn good ones!
I'm not quite done tinkering with him yet so I just wanted to tease him first. I just had to sew his fly shut after that pic :lol

But my take was 'this is what Sideshow should have given us.' Classic look with some updated and more gear. And I just flat out stole their goggle idea. But I am struggling with the 'too much' and 'not enough' amount of gear for him. Making him a walking time bomb factory is cool, but so is having him light on gear and very stealthy. I know EF would say "ditch the kneepads" but that is one of the 'updates' I think Sideshow would have given him and its logical for him to have them if he is on his knees a lot planting bombs.
hey guys heres a little something I have been working on. Its still a work in progress but I think it looks good so far. I would like to offer these things up to you guys as a kit so that you can have this style backpack for your firefly customs or the upcoming SCC one. Anyway let me know if anyone would be interested in getting one and I will have finished pics soon so thay you can see the final product.

On to the pics. The first one here is the one of the custom back pack next to the acutal 3 3/4 inch one. Just for scale

next is one showing that the little tool box on the bottom can open up to store tools or what not.

and finally is a pic showing the smoke grenade attached to the backpack along with a little custom c4 I'm working on

keep in mind its a WIP still but I am trying to keep it as close to the original as possible. And I would like to make more as a kit so lmk if there is any interest out there in this backpack
ya I'm looking to get some material pouches for the top and this is just a primer coat of paint...but thanks for the comment so far
hey guys heres a little something I have been working on. Its still a work in progress but I think it looks good so far. I would like to offer these things up to you guys as a kit so that you can have this style backpack for your firefly customs or the upcoming SCC one. Anyway let me know if anyone would be interested in getting one and I will have finished pics soon so thay you can see the final product.

On to the pics. The first one here is the one of the custom back pack next to the acutal 3 3/4 inch one. Just for scale

next is one showing that the little tool box on the bottom can open up to store tools or what not.

and finally is a pic showing the smoke grenade attached to the backpack along with a little custom c4 I'm working on

keep in mind its a WIP still but I am trying to keep it as close to the original as possible. And I would like to make more as a kit so lmk if there is any interest out there in this backpack

Sweet work!
ok guys here is an update on the backpack project. I have given it a coat of gray so you can get the idea of what it'll look like better. I have also added the detail to the top of the backpack...its the little coil part up there. I have also finished a little c4 block for the backpack.

Now I need some feed back on what kind of parts would you like to see on this. In the pictures you will notice that it is missing the two pouches on the top of the backpack. I would like to know what you guys think I should go with here I can do a solid sculpted pouch of get some sort of cloth pouch and try to dye it gray. If we go with cloth please suggest what type of cloth pouch I should go with. Also let me know if you like the idea of a C4 block on the backpack or if you'd like to go retro on it and have the dynamite charge. I did C4 becasue it is more modern that dynamite. Finally what kind of strap system would you like to see. Would you guys like a criss cross one like the original or a standard set up like most backpacks.

Like I mentioned earlier I would like to offer the backpack as a kit for people to purchase for their custom or upcoming SCC Firefly. My goal is to offer it at diffenrent levels of completion. for example one fully done and ready to go, or just the basic backpack and you can add your own parts like pouches, dynamite/C4, and smoke grenade, and tools for the tool box. I will post more details on this as I progress and intrest picks up.

On to the pictures:
first is the backpack with the C4 and smoke grenade attached to it. basically the whole thing is done just need to get some pouches for the top of the backpack above the grenade and C4.

next we have a pic with the C4 and smoke grenade removed. The arrow is showing the little hook for the smoke grenade to clamp on to. That will be included in all the kits I make.

and finally is a picture of the C4 block I made. Its kinda based off the COD C4 block.

Again if you didn't see previous pics the tool box opens up like it should. And will be a feature on all kits as well as the smoke grenade hook and a strap system. When I start taking orders I will definatly like to make the backpacks the way you guys want them so you can have it any unique way you would like it done
thats the plan yes you can buy a full kit or you can just buy a plane backpack with no attachments like in the second picture and you can customize it however you idea is to give people the option to do what ever they like to their backpack. If you are interested in a Kit you can PM me and we can discuss it further....and if anyone else is interested please feel free to PM me as well