DarkArtist's End of the Line Thread

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Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

KamenGuyver said:
I am also surprised this "Old Ben" style Obi looks good and not odd. It fits this sculpt pretty well.

Same here! I was really wondering if it would work at all.... I seriously thought it would look too strange. But really, as you said... the sculpt suits the new paint well. :D
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

I think it looks amazing. I went out and got a Hasbro Obi ANH to swap clothing but they are too small on the SST Obi, so I went after a Masterpiece Anakin ROTJ Hasbro because its 13" and might make a better swap. I can't wait to get the piece back it looks better than I imagined! Oh and Josh, can't wait to see Aragorn because I think I might have found my next commission from you. ;)
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Obi' lookin good Josh. I too am surprised that that paint app works well with the sculpt. Paint is such a critical part of any figure, can save a sh*t sculpt or ruin a totally awesome one.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Jedi_Mike said:
I think it looks amazing. I went out and got a Hasbro Obi ANH to swap clothing but they are too small on the SST Obi, so I went after a Masterpiece Anakin ROTJ Hasbro because its 13" and might make a better swap. I can't wait to get the piece back it looks better than I imagined! Oh and Josh, can't wait to see Aragorn because I think I might have found my next commission from you. ;)

Wow....Thanks a ton Mike! I'm very happy that you are digging the repaint efforts. I went back and forth on the skin tones, trying to find one that matched up to what I thought an aged Ep III Obi would have. And for this one, I think I chose wisely in going with blue instead of green eyes.

I also cannot wait to get finished with Aragorn as I am really getting exicited to see what he looks like.... :D

And thanks again Chase.... This paintjob really shocked me... turned out waaay better than I ever could have planned.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

I'm really surprised at how nice the transition is from Obi-Wan to Old Ben. It's very natural looking. The paint app is very well done. A professional looking job, DA.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Batty said:
I'm really surprised at how nice the transition is from Obi-Wan to Old Ben. It's very natural looking. The paint app is very well done. A professional looking job, DA.

Man! Thanks a million Batty. I've been trying to get my "A Game" back on for a while now... nice to see I was able to recapture it. I cannot tell you all how much it means to me that you all like this one...

Now if only I could show you the other recent repaint I did... man was it awesome. Don't worry though... I will be able to reveal it sooner or later... but when I do... it's going to blow your minds! :lol
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

DA...you tease. ;)
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Very cool Old"er" Ben! Like everyone I'm amazed at how good, and different he looks with the paint apps! A brave customization, but one that really is paying off!
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

galactiboy said:
Very cool Old"er" Ben! Like everyone I'm amazed at how good, and different he looks with the paint apps! A brave customization, but one that really is paying off!

Well, I really owe it to Jedi Mike..... He was the one with the idea and the Kenobi to put to the test. He was the one risking... I was just the paintbrush that brought that vision to life. :D

And as for my tease.....just keep an eye on Ironman's thread in the coming weeks, maybe a month... And I will tell you guys when it's properly revealed!
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Not to worry DA. When they are ready, ALL will be aware of their existence!!! I am anxiously [notice I didn't say patiently :D ] awaiting them and planning out the display potential. Plus, there should be something to add.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Ironman1188 said:
Not to worry DA. When they are ready, ALL will be aware of their existence!!! I am anxiously [notice I didn't say patiently :D ] awaiting them and planning out the display potential. Plus, there should be something to add.

:lol :lol

Yeah, I just like spreading HYPE... :monkey3

But I am working dilligently and trying my best to hammer these bad boys out as fast as possible... expect more pics IM, tonight! I promise Another SMILE!! :cool:
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Here are VERY dark pics of Aragorn...finished. Some came out decent, but I still am not happy with these pics... Damn the sun for going down so early now... :monkey2

When I have better pics, you can bet your life that I will post them promptly!






Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Yeah, they're a little dark, but the first one looks great! His face looks dead on. I can't wait to see more.
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks Batty... yeah, the lighting in my house is crapola!! I took 20 shots and only those were usuable. Pretty bad. Sucks when I get home at 5pm and it's too dark to take a decent shot!! :monkey4

I hope to have better pics this Friday or Saturday... maybe sooner if we have a bright afternoon or somehow I end up home early... :rolleyes:
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Even with the dark lighting conditions.You can clearly make out the improved eye set and varying with the shading of the beard.You can really see that cleft on his chin.

Definitely want to see more.....nice job DA!!
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks OrbitingX! I really appreciate the comments AND it's nice to see a new face around here! Welcome and glad you like my stuff....

Yeah, the chin was something I almost missed until I printed out a few pics... I then made some serious decisions about his facial growth pattern and thickness (which varied from scene to scene, really). I went with the slightly thicker facial hair in the end.. just looked better to me, and worked well with the sculpt.

As for the eyes, they were sorta tricky. It reminded me of Luke... Trying to find a way to get rid of the surprised look without making him look sleepy. I think it worked out well in the end... I can't wait to have lighter pics to show off a little bit...
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

I'm with Batty, this pic looks DAMN GOOD to me bro.

Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Holy Crap Josh! One of the coolest things about your thread is watching your art skills progessively get better and better. That Aragorn and Obi look simply incredible. Can't wait to see the finished Obi. Take some "hood up" shots for us.

Thanks for sharing DA! :rock
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Thanks guys!! Yeah, that first shot was it... and ironically the first I took! I love the pose as well.

Though none of them show the amount of paint work on the jacket and the clothes. Man... was that Jacket ever hard... I was able to sand the sheen off of it, but any more and it would be damaged and not look good.. so I took to drybrushing and washing... It worked nicely and gave the jacket an older look. Not as ancient as I would like it to look, but very nice. The inner vest was a lot of fun as in the film it looks nearly black from filth... so I did a lot of paint work there to darken it up. I also stole Mikey's idea and put in wire on the collar of the vest and jacket.

And thanks Pixle! That really makes me happy... It's fun for me to go back and look at my first pictures as well as the first pieces I did. Progress is always nice. :D

I hope to take some finished Obi shots for you guys, maybe borrow the clothes from another Obi just for pics... He ships out this Friday and he was nude, so I had to use Qui-Gon's robe for the pics... :rotfl
Re: DarkArtist's Creations of DOOM!

Sideshow, give this man a job! Incredible work there, DA. That is simpley breathtaking. It looks so real. You should be working with SSC. Once again, very nice. You put lots of hard work into that and it has payed off and it shows. I can't wait to see more stuff from you. :D
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