Super Freak
Re: Darth Malgus
And no goofy light up saber it seems. Yay!
And no goofy light up saber it seems. Yay!
They're really pushing this Vader knock-off. The "Jango" of Vaders. Should really be Darth Bane.
The SDCC piece looked excellent. I don't expect the real production piece to be of that quality.
I actually really like this piece but it would be so out of place in my collection. I will use the force to resist.
That looks fantastic. Sideshow is really stepping it up as of late. I think they are trying to match Hot Toys quality so they can command Hot Toys pricing. I hope they make a Satele Shan 1:6.
Shae Vizla would be great to go with him, especially considering SSC has the new female body, would love to see some troopers as well, love the look of the SW:TOR stuff.
Shae Vizla would be great to go with him, especially considering SSC has the new female body, would love to see some troopers as well, love the look of the SW:TOR stuff.
pretty sure we will see more EU sith from sideshow. They did say long ago that they would be doing more.
Expecting one day to see Revan, Malik, Rule 63 Darth maul and Kryat.
Revan becuase he's insanely popular, Malik to go with Revan, and Kryat becuase sideshow has already told us they love his design.
One of my biggest character requests.