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............Well, isn't this thread delightful. I swear, if David F-ing Prowse himself time traveled in the Vader costume straight from the 'Jedi' set in 1982 right into some of these guy's living rooms they would still **** all over it for not being 'accurate'.
............Well, isn't this thread delightful. I swear, if David F-ing Prowse himself time traveled in the Vader costume straight from the 'Jedi' set in 1982 right into some of these guy's living rooms they would still **** all over it for not being 'accurate'.
Lol. You're probably right!
Those are all inaccurate :rotfl

YEP! EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. The funny thing is so are the original props which changed positions and appearance from film to film if not shot to shot. No one, not even the prop-makers themselves have the last word on what is accurate - which of course leaves these things up to artistic interpretation. Of course some look better than others but to say this most recent PF is so off the mark is a laughable contention.
That has always been the worst argument ever, and if that was the case we would still be stuck with the rubies garbage.

If you ask 100 people if this looks like Vader they will say yes, doesn't mean you want it.

It's not an argument it's just the way it is. Comparing the SS PF to the fat guy is a fail lol

The SS Vader is a good statue. The best maybe not technically but overall it's not a total failure in my opinion. I'll repeat again, everyone's opinion is correct to a degree but calling it perfect or a failure I don't agree with either way.

It is true like I said I can post real Vader pix and it will get ripped on here.

Accurate, inaccurate, too fat too skinny whatever the SS Statue is a badass looking tribute to Vader to 99% of fans I'm sure in my opinion.

Once I get my HT version I'll probably here how it sux too
It's not an argument it's just the way it is. Comparing the SS PF to the fat guy is a fail lol

The SS Vader is a good statue. The best maybe not technically but overall it's not a total failure in my opinion. I'll repeat again, everyone's opinion is correct to a degree but calling it perfect or a failure I don't agree with either way.

It is true like I said I can post real Vader pix and it will get ripped on here.

Accurate, inaccurate, too fat too skinny whatever the SS Statue is a badass looking tribute to Vader to 99% of fans I'm sure in my opinion.

Once I get my HT version I'll probably here how it sux too

Regardless of whether you think it's good or not. Saying that normal people recognize him as Vader is stupid. A lot of things will be recognized, doesn't mean it's good. For example that stupid as hell trooper helmet I posted. That's a real helmet that released. By your argument apparently that's fantastic. Say it's a good statue, say you think it looks plenty like him. But saying that just because it's close enough that people will recognize it as Vader is just a dumb argument.

Here's another Vader helmet, I'm sure you'll love this one. No one will say it's not Vader. It's available on amazon if you're interested.


edit: Just a note, I hate this argument for everything, not Vader in specific. I think it's a lame argument for literally anything.
It's not an argument like I said it's a fact.

You are posting stuff that is clearly horrible. You are putting those terrible things in the same league as the SS Vader. My argument is for the subject at hand not everything that is released and that should be clear given the thread.

I repeat for the billionth time it feels like, we all have our opinions but saying the SS Vader is terrible is not accurate.

I've looked over many pix now from the films and it's not much different from what I can see.

When you post those items and say it's the same argument to say they look like Vader nobody will take it seriously.

Get yourself a statue and all the movie pix or references you can and make a list of how horrible it really is. I just want your list of all the issues that make this the statue that could of been. I'm not sure we have seen much from anyone exactly why this is the POS some claim.

I don't really see much to complain about. A plastic head? Base is too big? His pose?

I'm all for opinions or facts or lists. I looked at the pix of all the armor, cape and details and I'm just not seeing this "missed the boat" horrifying excuse for a statue that all these experts are chiming in about. It doesn't upset me when presented with actual facts plus as I said I love it so perfect or not it's a nice statue.
You are posting stuff that is clearly horrible. You are putting those terrible things in the same league as the SS Vader. My argument is for the subject at hand not everything that is released and that should be clear given the thread.

Oh I know that stuff is nowhere near the quality of the SS statue. The statue looks a lot better. It's just in league with that argument (because it's a terrible argument). There are a lot of nice things to say about this statue. I think it's pretty well done other than the pose but I haven't seen it too up close. However simply saying "it's recognizable!" is not only a terrible argument it is a disservice to any statue (unless it's literally that bad that the only thing going for it is that people can tell it's something because it kinda looks like it).

If you want actual complaints about the statue: I don't like the pose, not only does it not make any sense it's a very odd pose for Vader. Why is his thigh out, why is he looking up after going down stairs? Why is he not looking where he's going while he's walking down stairs?

I also am not a huge fan of the base, I feel like the bottom platform could be removed and it would be better. I'm not against big bases however taller bases for the sake of it being taller is not great. Really though what kills me most is the pose.

I also have no issue if the head is PVC. PVC can be done better then polystone for stuff like that. If it looks good then that's fine with me.
Ah I guess my recognizeable comment contains a bit of sarcasm with the SS being so good in my opinion.
The more I look at mine the more I can't stand it. As a whole it's passable but if you look at its individual parts, for me the statue crumbles. One of these things is the boots. After glancing at them I asked myself if he had two left feet. The boots seem like they could've been sculpted better. I think for the price it should look good from every angle. Not one of us should have to ignore a part of their statue and live with it. I feel like I got ripped off.

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You shouldn't, you knew what you were buying :| I'm really disappointed with this one. They seem like they executed the production pretty well but I just can't understand what they were thinking. We could have had an amazing vader, and sure it's got some better angles but even at it's best angle it's still a dumb vader pose. I can't believe they ****ed up what could have been an amazing vader :|

I get what you are saying dao.... But just like you can get a piece in hand and it looks even better.... You can also get a piece in hand and be disappointed... That seems to be riblets point.

The majority of online reviews are also "eh" cause they either come from people who don't really collect statues (if I recall correctly SS was throwing around quite a bit that IGN voted HB statue of the year a couple years ago, which no doubt was a great statue but certainly not even in the running for statue of the year). Or from people who bought it who often convince themselves to hold it in higher regard then it really should be. I still remember the original Red Sonja statue, after it released. So many people saying "oh it's great, amazing, so much better in person!" and now most say well I really hope the new one was better cause that was kinda ****.

Really though, if you say "it's the best 1/4th scale vader around" you would probably be right. Cause there aren't any others then SS' previous effort. However if there was actually some competition I feel like it wouldn't be very difficult at all to better this piece.

Those are more assumptions than opinions... Not sure what reviews you are referring to.. Youtube or written??? But to say reviewers are not really collectors or that they "made themselves" like it is not an opinion since you have no idea what the person is thinking... It's an assumption and you know what they say when you assume ;) ;)

While I agree we all have the right to love or hate it I cannot ever agree with statements that it is not accurate at all and looks terrible in person.
It's is accurate in many ways but maybe not perfect in every way but if you asked 1000 people who this is and does it look like Vader nearly everyone would say the Darth Vader and that it looks like him. QUOTE]

Phastroh.... You can think it looks great but I can assure you someone can look at the most beautiful thing in the world and legitimately think it's ugly. I am with dao on the faulty argument that people can tell it looks like Vader... That does not determine weather or not a statue is accurate.

That has always been the worst argument ever, and if that was the case we would still be stuck with the rubies garbage.

If you ask 100 people if this looks like Vader they will say yes, doesn't mean you want it.


that reasoning is actually why we have dumb **** like this



Vader PF in no way as bad as that Helmet :)

Regardless of whether you think it's good or not. Saying that normal people recognize him as Vader is stupid. A lot of things will be recognized, doesn't mean it's good. For example that stupid as hell trooper helmet I posted. That's a real helmet that released. By your argument apparently that's fantastic. Say it's a good statue, say you think it looks plenty like him. But saying that just because it's close enough that people will recognize it as Vader is just a dumb argument.

Here's another Vader helmet, I'm sure you'll love this one. No one will say it's not Vader. It's available on amazon if you're interested.



edit: Just a note, I hate this argument for everything, not Vader in specific. I think it's a lame argument for literally anything.


It's not an argument like I said it's a fact.

You are posting stuff that is clearly horrible. You are putting those terrible things in the same league as the SS Vader. My argument is for the subject at hand not everything that is released and that should be clear given the thread.

I repeat for the billionth time it feels like, we all have our opinions but saying the SS Vader is terrible is not accurate.

I've looked over many pix now from the films and it's not much different from what I can see.

When you post those items and say it's the same argument to say they look like Vader nobody will take it seriously.

Get yourself a statue and all the movie pix or references you can and make a list of how horrible it really is. I just want your list of all the issues that make this the statue that could of been. I'm not sure we have seen much from anyone exactly why this is the POS some claim.

I don't really see much to complain about. A plastic head? Base is too big? His pose?

I'm all for opinions or facts or lists. I looked at the pix of all the armor, cape and details and I'm just not seeing this "missed the boat" horrifying excuse for a statue that all these experts are chiming in about. It doesn't upset me when presented with actual facts plus as I said I love it so perfect or not it's a nice statue.

Dao is using it as an example of people knowing that those pics are of Vader and a stormtrooper... He is not saying that the PF is as bad as those.

You guys are arguing about opinions here... Both are entitled to one of course... I think that dao is hating a bit much but that is his right to do so.

I own the piece and like many things about it. I am a huge Star Wars fan who DOE NOT pour over pics of Vader for hours on end.. So to me this seems pretty accurate. I think it looks like a great representation of Vader.... Details wise.

As a statue it is not without it's problems... The main one being Vader's Helmet looking up more then it should. The pose itself has it's issues but if you have Vader looking to the left those pose issue go away and the statue flows well from all angles... BUT the Helmet looks up even more when you turn it left... This is not an issue so much from eye level but at top shelf... It can be strange looking.. You can futz with it and get him to look down a bit more.

IMO at eye level with Vader looking left this is a pretty great statue. The WOW factor for me is lost because it's Vader. I have seen so many Vader's through the years I don't know if I can ever be blown away.. Being all black hides the details also a bit.

Anyways lets try and respect each others opinions... Be thankful we all don't agree. This site would be boring if we did.
If you want actual complaints about the statue: I don't like the pose, not only does it not make any sense it's a very odd pose for Vader. Why is his thigh out, why is he looking up after going down stairs? Why is he not looking where he's going while he's walking down stairs?

I also am not a huge fan of the base, I feel like the bottom platform could be removed and it would be better. I'm not against big bases however taller bases for the sake of it being taller is not great. Really though what kills me most is the pose.

Base needs to be big so he can be taller than the new Fett PF :lol
Assumptions are pretty much opinions though! Also my remark about reviewers and collectors is basically that there aren't essentially "critics" for the statue industry. The very few that are and get free pieces basically aren't statue collectors. The rest are people that put out their money for them, and at that point it isn't exactly an objective review. Not that I put much stock in critic reviews anyways, like for films I don't give a **** what critics think :p

The Vader helmet is $25 btw, and I think the top review was "I don't care about accuracy I just want something that looks like vader for photoshoots" :pPPPP

edit: some spelling stuff, also addition to my "convince themselves that they like it remark" the thing I most like to bring up is Red Sonja. I didn't PO it, I waited till it came out. Didn't like the pictures too much but the threads were barraged with people singing it's praises and saying how it looks so much better in person that it does in those pics.

Those were lies, it looked exactly like how it did in those pics :|
............Well, isn't this thread delightful. I swear, if David F-ing Prowse himself time traveled in the Vader costume straight from the 'Jedi' set in 1982 right into some of these guy's living rooms they would still **** all over it for not being 'accurate'.

HAHAHA Oh I agree, at the end of the day this is a magnificent PF that really brings the Vader character to life, yeah its a shame we never got the unmasked head, other than that its another great piece by sideshow that I cannot wait to own
I think it is a very cool vader statue, warts and all.

Sure the pose could be better and yes he is not "screen accurate" but I think the final product as a whole makes up for those issues for most of us...

any opinion disliking this statue is as valid as any opinion praising this statue because...well, it's an opinion : )
Yeah I stated over and over all opinions are right I'm just tired of the statements calling it a POS and terrible or what were they thinking. That's as dumb as saying I said that a million times. I am not saying who said what as I don't care it just is silly.

I always said d opinions are all valid but I love the PF

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