David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I don't want him to wear makeup either...that's what I mean by traditional. I didn't say anything about real world.

To me this is a traditional/classic style joker, which is what I would like to see. Comic style.


Capullo Joker's got that Jimmy Darmody hair going on.:lecture :lol

Don't get me wrong, I love it, but, if you're casting based on hair, look no further than the man, himself.:lol
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

So you want another Heath Ledger...with long hair and "crazy makeup?" :dunno

I wouldn't call the pics you posted classic. I don't want another Ledger but don't quite want new 52 either. Def. avoid face removal. The Origins look would actually work well at splitting the difference.

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I would rather Ledger 2.0 than any of the nu 52 junk. But yeah, ideally something that approaches some more classic Joker look.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

The photo I posted is from Endgame, and The joker has his face. Nothing came off. You guys are thinking about Death of the Family Joker with the leather face look. He's back to normal now.

I posted a pic of Brian Bolland's Joker from the Killing Joke...that's as "classic/traditional" as it gets. The Arkham Joker is ok, but he still has that red makeup all over his face and the black stuff around his eyes and the "classic/traditional" Joker doesn't wear makeup. Not a big fan of the Mick Jagger lips either.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I just reread Killing Joke and if he slicked his hair at the time, it certainly of had that Darmody look. I think makeup should be removed. Too much now and it just isn't interesting anymore. Classic bleaching in my opinion. I know people said Nicholson but damn that was 25 years ago! The classic is due its due.

On Batfan08's post; I'd say Michael Pitt would be great! Check him out in Boardwalk and Hannibal.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I just reread Killing Joke and if he slicked his hair at the time, it certainly of had that Darmody look. I think makeup should be removed. Too much now and it just isn't interesting anymore. Classic bleaching in my opinion. I know people said Nicholson but damn that was 25 years ago! The classic is due its due.

On Batfan08's post; I'd say Michael Pitt would be great! Check him out in Boardwalk and Hannibal.

Yep! Fantastic in both. Darmody's look with Verger's insanity and you'd have yourself a winner.:lol
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I just reread Killing Joke and if he slicked his hair at the time, it certainly of had that Darmody look. I think makeup should be removed. Too much now and it just isn't interesting anymore. Classic bleaching in my opinion. I know people said Nicholson but damn that was 25 years ago! The classic is due its due.

On Batfan08's post; I'd say Michael Pitt would be great! Check him out in Boardwalk and Hannibal.

Yep, always been a fan of the slick hair, well dressed joker. It's very "old school."


Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

New 52 in general > pre 52 in general (save for the big events and classics of each continuity)

End game Joker would be the perfect choice imo.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Capullo Joker's got that Jimmy Darmody hair going on.:lecture :lol

Don't get me wrong, I love it, but, if you're casting based on hair, look no further than the man, himself.:lol

Ironically, Michael Pitt (Jimmy Darmody) cut his face off just like Capullo's Joker in Death of the Family :lol

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I'm super curious to see what Leto's Joker is like. The thing that excites me a lot, though, wasn't anything confirmed, it was the actress list for Amanda Waller. Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, and Oprah being considered makes me happy that we might actually see "The Wall" instead of that generic New 52 Waller.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Cast looks ok for the most part, Jared Leto as Joker is AWESOME.

I hope they also cast Viola Davis, hurray for pre 52 Wall!

WTF Cara Delavigne? :lol