David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

My friend just made a good point, this seems like WB and DC's gut reaction to Guardians of the Galaxy.

Not quite sure how a new Joker can work in a non-Batman film or why you'd introduce Harley Quinn for the first time in a non-Batman film. Seems weird.

Perhaps it's time for us to stop thinking about specific films and think of it as a universe where all these characters coexist and interact with each other, similar to Marvel and what Marvel has created with their cinematic universe. I think it's refreshing to see these characters, especially The Joker not being limited to a Batman film. Remember World's Finest with Luthor and Joker? That's a possibility now.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

It would be a lot better if Cara Delavigne and Margot Robbie switched roles, they fit each other's roles better.

Besides, Cara Delavigne has that mischievous look.


Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I feel like Octavia Spencer might be able to pull off "The Wall" closest to how she appears in the comics (visually, anyway), but there's something incredibly intimidating about Viola Davis, when she turns it on, that I think would be perfect for Waller. I haven't seen it, but, just from the promos, her role on that "how to get away with murder" show makes me think she's entirely capable of playing this character.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I don't care that they made Deadshot a black guy--but did it have to be ****ing Will Smith? Ugh. Maybe he'll get his son to play him in a Deadshot flashback.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Will Smith in an ensemble like this? Weird.

Also, there is only one woman I can see playing Amanda Waller and that is C. C. H. Pounder. She has been doing the voice for the character for years and she does it well!
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Oprah? "You get a bomb in the neck, you get a bomb in the neck, everybody gets a bomb in the neck!" :lol

Leto is the only decent thing out of all the news today. Lots of miscasting going on IMO. I don't quite think WB knows what they are doing. I mean Will Smith isn't exactly associate with Box Office Gold anymore. As long has he has his helmet on for 99% of the time it could be OK. And casting Bane and not-Bane is another odd move. Its not like Chris Evans where he had a few good years to separate himself from Fantastic Four before going to Cap. I mean, my family still doesn't know who Tom Hardy is until I say "you know? Bane!" And then then they know who I'm talking about. I guess he has the benefit of not really having his face associated with Bane at least.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

What's with all the Will Smith hate? :lol This is a film with Jai Courtney and people are complaining about an academy award nominated actor with range and with experience in dramas, comedy, and action? I really want to believe this has nothing to do with race....but I'm beginning to doubt that.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

What role of Will Smith's has made YOU think, "he'd be an awesome Deadshot?" None come to my mind. Sure he can act, but that doesn't mean he can play every character imaginable perfectly. He's too action-comedy for my tastes.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Since when does being nominated for an Academy Award automatically make someone NOT an annoying ******? I'll take any number of non-nominated actors over Smith any day of the week.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Since when does being nominated for an Academy Award automatically make someone NOT an annoying ******? I'll take any number of non-nominated actors over Smith any day of the week.

I don't go to a film to watch Will Smith play Will Smith, I go to see an actor play a fictional character. I only care about what the actors do in a film, not who they are or their personal lives. If I cared about personal lives, I'd probably wouldn't like a lot of actors and movies, so I ignore stuff like that, and just enjoy the characters and films...that's why I don't get the Tom Cruise hate, their loss since he makes good films :dunno
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

What role of Will Smith's has made YOU think, "he'd be an awesome Deadshot?" None come to my mind. Sure he can act, but that doesn't mean he can play every character imaginable perfectly. He's too action-comedy for my tastes.

What role did Michael Keaton play that made people think he could play Batman? Same with Ledger, Ann Hathoway as Cat Woman, and the list goes on and on...
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I don't go to a film to watch Will Smith play Will Smith, I go to see an actor play a fictional character. I only care about what the actors do in a film, not who they are or their personal lives. If I cared about personal lives, I'd probably wouldn't like a lot of actors and movies, so I ignore stuff like that, and just enjoy the characters and films...that's why I don't get the Tom Cruise hate, their loss since he makes good films :dunno

Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are two guys that I think are real life dopes but somehow they don't bring that to their roles onscreen. Smith almost always does for some reason. I liked him in Seven Pounds but other than that I really don't think he should be in anything other than Men In Black movies.

Things can always change. I used to not care for Jake Gylhenhaal, Ryan Reynolds or Chris Evans but now I like all three.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are two guys that I think are real life dopes but somehow they don't bring that to their roles onscreen. Smith always does for some reason.

For a second I thought you said they were dope, and I was like, alright cool. :hi5: Then I realized you didn't mean it in a good way :lol
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Wait, now Will Smith is a ******? Why? :lol I know his son is a big fat ******, but Will? (srs question)

And c'mon, 99% of celebs are douches, Jared Leto is a big ******, Christian Bale? ******, I remember even Bradley Cooper was considered a huge ****** before he player Rocket.

****** ****** ******, I like the sound of that word, a little less ******.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

What role of Will Smith's has made YOU think, "he'd be an awesome Deadshot?" None come to my mind. Sure he can act, but that doesn't mean he can play every character imaginable perfectly. He's too action-comedy for my tastes.

this movie
