David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

:lol Exactly. When DC asks you to be in a movie, you at least want to play someone with a costume right? I can't say I really blame any well known actor not wanting the part. I think a newcomer would be more willing to take the part to get their foot in the door. That's what WB should be looking for now. Or rewrite the script again because clearly the role sucks :lol
On the other hand, maybe an actor could salvage a bit more of his dignity if he wasn't running around in tights or makeup or whatever. But. . .yeah, chances are the script isn't good or that these actors are not getting a positive vibe from WB/DC in general. Those guys have been so clueless with everything else in their non-Nolan movies so far, that it wouldn't shock me if they took a really good idea like Suicide Squad and turned it into Trank's Fantastic Fou. . .uh, I mean total ****.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

But... yeah, chances are the script isn't good or that these actors are not getting a positive vibe from WB/DC in general. Those guys have been so clueless with everything else in their non-Nolan movies so far.
RISES showed that they don't know **** and don't care at all.
Don't forget that MoS is a product of Nolan's "I liked dat Goyer's idea, lets make money".
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

It's all relative man. As bad as Rises may be, it's the ****ing Godfather, Citizen Kane, Gone With the Wind, and the Seventh Seal all wrapped up in one compared to that putrid piece of **** known as Man of Steel. Or Green Lantern for that matter.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I really enjoyed MOS when it came out and even watched it a couple times on blu-ray. But recently I tried to give it a go again and didn't even make it past the oil rig rescue. I just don't find any of it interesting anymore. Even the "spectacular" opening on Krypton just kind of plays like a laser light show with no meaning or emotion behind it.
DC's Suicide Squad movie

RUMOR: Gary Sinise In Talks To Play 'General Eiling' In SUICIDE SQUAD

Latino Review's El Mayimbe has been teasing a scoop since last night, and -- though he stresses this may still fall through -- has now revealed that Gary Sinise (The Stand, Forest Gump) has had discussions about playing General Wade Eiling in WB's Suicide Squad.
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By Mark "RorMachine" Cassidy - 1/22/2015

I have no clue who General Eiling is but its nice to see Gary Sinise return to the big screen.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

RUMOR: Gary Sinise In Talks To Play 'General Eiling' In SUICIDE SQUAD

Latino Review's El Mayimbe has been teasing a scoop since last night, and -- though he stresses this may still fall through -- has now revealed that Gary Sinise (The Stand, Forest Gump) has had discussions about playing General Wade Eiling in WB's Suicide Squad.
Follow Mark "RorMachine": View CBM Profile Follow on Twitter
By Mark "RorMachine" Cassidy - 1/22/2015

I have no clue who General Eiling is but its nice to see Gary Sinise return to the big screen.

You beat me this time, Pturtle! We shall meet again!! :cuss :lol

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

SUICIDE SQUAD: Will One Of These Actors Play 'Rick Flag'? 'Deathstroke' Contender Rumored

Those weren't exactly subtle hints so you've probably figured out that both Jon Bernthal and Joel Edgerton are the next names being lined up to star as Rick Flag in Suicide Squad, according to Cinemablend. Bernthal came to our attention as the doomed Shane Walsh on AMC's The Walking Dead, and also worked with director David Ayer in his WWII drama, Fury. Meanwhile Egerton has starred in a number of great flicks over the years, most recently playing Christian Bale's nemesis in Exodus: Gods And Kings. The site also reckon they've confirmed the Gary Sinise rumor, and the actor has indeed signed on to appear in the film -- but not as General Eiling! They don't say which character he will play, but it won't be Deathstroke either, as they hear former True Blood wolfman Joe Manganiello is "in contention" for that role. So quite a bit of news here, but of course until any of it is official it's all up in the air. How would you feel about Edgerton or Bernthal playing Flag? Would Manganiello make for a good Slade Wilson? Sound off in the usual place. V3rqydM.jpg

Both are great choices in my opinion.

Don’t really like the Deathstroke casting rumor though.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

They confirmed he signed on, but not for that General guy though.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Apparently, he was the narrator at the Smithsonian in TWS. Which is all kinds of a weird role for him to have been offered since he doesn't exactly have a recognizable voice.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Apparently, he was the narrator at the Smithsonian in TWS. Which is all kinds of a weird role for him to have been offered since he doesn't exactly have a recognizable voice.

He does actually. He does a lot of commercials and I always pick him out. I picked him out in Cap as a matter of fact.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Eiling is a **** that is pretty much Ross in the DC verse, military wise.

I like the idea of Joe as Deathstroke, but only physically. I don't see him through his voice.

I'd go Edgerton over Bernthal for Flagg.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Edgerton would be my choice for Flagg too.

I haven't really seen Joe act in anything, but I am sure there would be a better choice for Deathstroke. :lol