Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)
I'm pretty sure everyone thinks Citizen Kane is boring, but critics love it for some reason.
I really have no expectations for this film, I was pretty underwhelmed by the trailers. I didn't like Man of Steel at all, but I thought BvS was decent.
Not me, I agree with the comment below, which most critics still say to this day. regardless it's usually #1 or #2 in any top movie ever list. The thing is, you have to see th emovie multiple times to appreciate it. A first viewing you will miss most everything. Kinda like Usual gets better with subsequent viewings, Citizen Kane is the same way.
Probably because of all the technical innovations that just about every film after copied and are still used today.
the movie RKO 281 is a movie about the movie being made (Kane) and goes into these aspects. Then re-watch Kane, and you'll be amazed.
The movie flowed better when I saw it the second time. About this whole critics thing, just go see it yourself and decide for yourself if you like it or not. Don't blindly trust critics.
I dunno if I could see ANY movie twice in one day, back to back....
No surprise here.....
DC is sending your check in 2 weeks...
Guess we'll have to wait to see the complete version of the movie in the form of another "Ultimate Edition".
This will be the absolute last time DC gets to get away with this. That just proves the execs know nothing about film making and should stick to their accounting books instead.
I agree that the DC movies so far haven't been very good, and I don't think Marvel is paying off anyone but I think, because they're mostly family fun films that don't really try to be more than anything but entertaining, reviewers tend to be a lot more lenient when reviewing them. A lot of actual problems with those movies are just glossed over just because the reviewer was entertained and to me that's not what the job of a critic should be. They should be noting what the movie does well and what it does bad, but MCU films aren't really reviewed like that. At least not amongst the YouTube critics.
One thing I did notice this year though, was how Spider-Man's role was praised by critics in CW even though he had no business being in that movie, meanwhile Wolverine's role in Apocalypse was criticized for being shoehorned in and not really making sense.
I don't think there's a conspiracy either. There have been other 'Marvel' movies made before and they were all terrible. Captian America was made once in the 90's IIRC, the first run Fantastic Four movies, Daredevil, Elektra, the Ang Lee Hulk movie, all of them I didn't like, and I wasn't entertained. SOMETHING shifted in the studios behind them, they decided to try to make them better, and I think it began with Iron Man and then Capt. America. First Iron Man I liked, Capt. America i was ambivalent on, but it was entertaining, as was the first Thor which was also pretty good.
DC movies have been made here and there as other Marvel ones have, putting aside the Nolan Batman trilogy (which stands on its own) it feels as if each DC based movie that has come on the heels has been less entertaining to say the least. That to me, can only be blamed on the studios more so than the directors. Yeah I think Snyder's style and writing isn't my cup of tea, but he does some fight sequences ok, but you can't have the movie only held up with that.
And for those reviewers who say Ayer's should have his toys taken away from him, have they seen Fury?
Maybe they're doing it due to the success of the BvS extended cut?
If that's the case, I really don't want to wait 5+ more months to see the full movie.
This. Unless it's WB's plan to milk it dry totally. Release a mediocre theatrical movie, the die hards will be the 5% of the audience who loves it, we'll take their money but then dangle the carrot of 'the real movie' coming out 6 months later on DVD and rake in those sales.
I'm not seeing this movie in theaters. There's too much anecdotal evidence supporting the reports that SS was rushed from the start and had multiple editors which resulted in the mediocrity that WB ultimately decided to release. You only get one opportunity to impress me, so I'll wait for the movie that Ayers wanted to make and not watch the vanilla version.
If SS fails to impress me, it will put in jeaopardy my viewing of WW next year. If virtually every DC movie that has been made in the last 4 yrs has been meddled with in post production by the execs, that does not bode well for the forthcoming movies in my book. It's not fair to the fans to make them wait for the 'good' version of the movie. I think anyone would be ok with a push back on release date to have a better product the first time round.
IF there is any conspiracy running afoot in Hollywood it's that no one wants to pit any movie against any Star Wars movie. The useless and not needing to be made Avatar sequels have been pushed back to NOT fall on Episode VIII's release, Bloomkamp's 'aliens' sequel has been shelved (well told to wait) so Ridley's movie won't interfere (which is wisely being released in the summer vs. fall again probably to not coincide with Star Wars!) Look at all the upcoming marvel movies, NONE would compete for Star Wars....DC at least looks to be avoiding it as well.