The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

I've not seen SS in theaters yet to know how bad Deadshot is, but yeah, all of his defining characteristics seem gone. Eh, at least they referenced his FA costume in that scene with his daughter. That's gotta count for something... But the truth is, they got a very unique character and stripped him of the things that made him standout. Smith-Shot is pretty much Taskmaster personality wise.
Obviously it was intentional. That's my point. Deathstroke in that situation puts one between her eyes.
I understand that Smith get's some **** for his other roles but I don't see how people can say he did a bad job in this...
In terms of how the character was written he did a good job and excelled in the role.
My whole issue is that Will Smith typically plays Will Smith in roles. I wanted someone else for this role.
Probably best to move on after DC used him as Jonah HexI could see someone like Josh Brolin playing Deadshot. Someone that could be more of a hardass.
Nu 52 junk doesn't exist in my mind. But like I said before, I have no problem with Deadshot behaving that way. Even in the stuff he was in in the '80s he was flawed and emotional at times. Because he was just some dude without a strong moral compass who had good aim. He tried to commit suicide by cop at one point. Deathstroke. . .not so much.
Well define "A-list." If you're restricting that to Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Chris Pratt, and the Rock, then I agree with you. But very solid actors who can anchor major movies like Tom Hardy, Ryan Gosling, Benedict Cumberbatch, or Mark Ruffalo have demonstrated considerable range in their performances.
My whole issue is that Will Smith typically plays Will Smith in roles. I wanted someone else for this role.
All I know is that if kara gave this movie a D+ (or was it a C-) and he liked it more than BvS then what i'm going to experience tomorrow will be some Oscar level ****!![]()