David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)





Deathstroke needs his own solo film where he's a villain, end of story. When uneducated writers try to use him as an "anti-hero" or someone's rogue, it all ends badly. See Identity Crisis where he took on the ****ing Justice League (I mean, Jesus ****, you go from "I'm sooo fast I can **** logic straight in the buttocks" Wally to "oh jeez, I guess that sword is pretty long"), the New Suicide Squad where he was a backstabbing SOB (totally against his character), the dreadful Nu52 vol and the so-so but ultimately boring DCYOU! Vol. Not to mention all the times he's appeared as a "Batman Villain" in various media, to the point where people think he belongs to Bruce's gallery.

So, no, **** no to either a Suicide Squad version of Slade, which is most probably going to be a 30 something hunk like the awful Tony S. Daniel series, or in just an antagonistic role in a Battfleck film, where he'll be nothing more than a "cool assassin" akin to Arkham Origins/Knight.

The only way Deathstroke works, is if you give him his own R-Rated flick where he doesn't save the world or is on the side of the good guys, but where he completes his mission no matter what. Add an angle based on his family and honour, which always play a role in his story, and you're set. I don't need softy anti-hero hunk Slade. The MCU already ruined Nick Fury, I don't want the DCEU to **** up Slade even more...

Doesn't matter. They F'd up Deadshot. May as well do the same with Deathstroke. Just cast Jamie Foxx as Slade and put me out of my misery already.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Doesn't matter. They F'd up Deadshot. May as well do the same with Deathstroke. Just cast Jamie Foxx as Slade and put me out of my misery already.

I've not seen SS in theaters yet to know how bad Deadshot is, but yeah, all of his defining characteristics seem gone. Eh, at least they referenced his FA costume in that scene with his daughter. That's gotta count for something... But the truth is, they got a very unique character and stripped him of the things that made him standout. Smith-Shot is pretty much Taskmaster personality wise.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Animated Suicide Squad was better, but again, for what they were trying to accomplish here and who they were trying to appeal to, it wasn't going to happen.

And I agree with Kostis on Deathstroke. I heard that he was in some recent-ish Suicide Squad teams/comics, but for me--and the New Teen Titans by Wolfman and Perez is one of my top 3 or so comic runs of all time--he's above all that. Suicide Squad should be petty criminals and villains for the most part. Deathstroke should be a Ra's al Ghul or Luthor level villain, who controls his own destiny and only works for others when it suits him to do so. He warrants a film where he is the sole or primary bad guy, ideally to the Teen Titans. And he was made into more of an anti-hero with his solo book run, and even some of his interactions with his son Jericho in the Titans books, but you can't neuter him in the films. He's got to be a cold-blooded killer when the situation calls for it. One scene like Deadshot missing Harley and I've got no use for the guy anymore. Deadshot had major liberties taken, but when I was reading he was never in the ballpark of Deathstroke in terms of being a major player. So, not so much of a biggie. I see what they did with him as equivalent to what Fox did with Wolverine. If they kept him too close to the source material, you aren't going to get fan support. And as I said before, I really like what Smith did here. Could he have done that with some other character? Maybe. But then if they did, what role do you think Deadshot would have played in the movie? Best case scenario--the Capt. Boomerang role. Alternative scenario--Slipknot role.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Will Smith should be fired.

Eh, I wouldn't say so. He ain't a bad actor, he just doesn't like flexing his muscles that often. He could've played classic Deadshot, but they opted for a "Generic Hitman with a soft side" route.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Animated Suicide Squad was better, but again, for what they were trying to accomplish here and who they were trying to appeal to, it wasn't going to happen.

And I agree with Kostis on Deathstroke. I heard that he was in some recent-ish Suicide Squad teams/comics, but for me--and the New Teen Titans by Wolfman and Perez is one of my top 3 or so comic runs of all time--he's above all that. Suicide Squad should be petty criminals and villains for the most part. Deathstroke should be a Ra's al Ghul or Luthor level villain, who controls his own destiny and only works for others when it suits him to do so. He warrants a film where he is the sole or primary bad guy, ideally to the Teen Titans. And he was made into more of an anti-hero with his solo book run, and even some of his interactions with his son Jericho in the Titans books, but you can't neuter him in the films. He's got to be a cold-blooded killer when the situation calls for it. One scene like Deadshot missing Harley and I've got no use for the guy anymore. Deadshot had major liberties taken, but when I was reading he was never in the ballpark of Deathstroke in terms of being a major player. So, not so much of a biggie. I see what they did with him as equivalent to what Fox did with Wolverine. If they kept him too close to the source material, you aren't going to get fan support. And as I said before, I really like what Smith did here. Could he have done that with some other character? Maybe. But then if they did, what role do you think Deadshot would have played in the movie? Best case scenario--the Capt. Boomerang role. Alternative scenario--Slipknot role.
Precisely. Deathstroke sometimes does some good things, but more often than not, they've got to do strictly with his family. He has a code of honour yes, and he will complete the mission no matter the obstacles, but he's not the type of character you put with Harley and D-Lister #12456. He's in a league of his own and he should be treated as such. So, no, I'm not in favor of the SS folks getting their hands on him. And actually, I don't trust Affleck either. He's Batman, so you know he'll be biased and neuter Deathstroke.

Comics-Wise, yeah, he appeared in "Da New SKWAD" a bit before he got a new solo by Daniel. Both were pretty awful, and in SS' case, he didn't stay more than 4 issues. Plus, the majority of his sollo was focused on getting revenge from Waller for tricking him or something. it was in general a really bad volume. But at least there's a silver lining: He's getting a new solo written by Priest, and so far, he's said all the right things in his interviews. He's tackling him as a full-on villain, so no more "I amz a missunderstood guyzzz" instances.

So, yeah, that's it. Characters like Deathstroke, Nick Fury and the like don't work inside of PG-13 connected movies.
Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)

Ah, you mean if they had *Deathstroke* doing that. I thought when you said "I've got no use for the guy anymore" you were referring to Deadshot.
It's fine for "Willshot". . .or is it "Smithshot?" "Deadsmith?" "The Dead Prince?"

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