David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Just saw this fan made looks great
That looks excellent. :(
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Amazing how kids on a computer can out design a freaking studio, that looks spectacular. WB should hire who ever did that and then punch Zach Snyder in the nuts even though this isn't his movie.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I can see the reasoning behind "not liking the new Joker", that we're supposed to feel repulsion by it, except that's clearly not what's happening, we're making fun of it :lol the internet is pumping memes left and right ridiculing the look.

the irony being that everyone keeps talking about how scary Batman Looks, while making fun of this clown and thinking he looks pathetic with the tattoos.
so yeah, I guess they did a great job, everyone says how they wouldn't even look Batfleck in the eyes... maybe they have a point, maybe this joke is meant to be pathetic
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

It just seems odd since the Joker is supposed to be older than Bruce and he's dressing like a punk. My dad doesn't follow any of this comic book stuff, but even he was upset about the tattoos and teeth. It was pretty funny! I'm sure there's a lot more to this design than meets the eye.

I think I'm in the minority, but I wanted a Frank Miller Dark Knight Returns-type Joker. However, I'm still going to remain optimistic! Although, like every superhero movie, I'm only going to see it if it gets good reviews. Well, except for BvS. I'm seeing it no matter what.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Amazing how kids on a computer can out design a freaking studio, that looks spectacular. WB should hire who ever did that and then punch Zach Snyder in the nuts even though this isn't his movie.
Yes, punish the man who gave us the most incredible Bat suit.
DC's Suicide Squad movie

That joker looks just fantastic. My only issue is the "hahaha" and "damaged" tattoos and the grill, otherwise very good stuff
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

As a Marvel first person I will say that nothing Marvel has in their huge and impressive arsenal can rival the media attention and discussions generated every time there is some cinematic Batman/Joker related news.

Only other property out there that can out media Batman/Joker is Star Wars.

That SW trailer has some very impressive trailer views.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

That's the thing. Disney doesn't care if it gets Marvel out over Batman stuff, if it creates more buzz or conversation that DC. Of the three things you named two are owned by The Mouse. If those three properties are the highest grossing of the year, I have a feeling they'll be just fine with that.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I disagree. I'm a huge Marvel fanboy (DC too FWIW) but the new Star Wars movie will break any box office record held by any Marvel film so far. It will destroy the box office on hype alone.