David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I really liked that post, CMTD. Pretty much agree with everything you said.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

This isn't pushing the envelope, it's studio brainstorming gone mad.

Controversy is fine, but please. The comment earlier about Killer Croc now almost having a potential green light to be a Jim Rose circus top biller, is not only frighteningly valid, but it shows how much it's just verging on stupidity.

The further they go with these 'interpretations'.. the less these characters retain their longevity, because they just become trend fodder for clueless whippersnappers to celebrate, as the whole DC/WB ship bubbles deeper again into the murky depths of WTF-ery. :lol
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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

This isn't pushing the envelope, it's studio brainstorming gone mad.

Controversy is fine, but please. The comment earlier about Killer Croc now almost having a potential green light to be a Jim Rose circus top biller, is not only a valid but it's just verging on stupidity.

The further they go with these 'interpretations'.. the less these characters retain their longevity, because they just become trend fodder for clueless whippersnappers to celebrate, as the whole DC/WB ship bubbles deeper again into the murky depths of WTF-ery. :lol

Preach it! AMEN!
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Vintij pwns

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

That Leto-Joker looks like someone who works at some mall store like "Hot Topic" or something..."If you buy another ripped t-shirt, it's 50% off...."

I think Ledger's legacy will remain intact....

Just thinkin' of the money we can save on figures.... :)
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

And as for overall looks, I'd much rather this than Capullo's Joker. I get it shows a bit of how crazy Joker is that he is willing to cut off his face.


I get what you're saying but this is an oversimplified look at Snyder and Capullo's Joker. He did this because of the lack of harm in reality to himself (you have to read "Endgame" to really get it) and is less a showing of crazy and more a showing of a calculated move to get under the skin of both Batman and his fellow criminals. It is more in line with Ledger's Joker if you look at how it is unfolding. He held his thumb over the hammer of Harvey's gun because the risk was never there to get shot despite bating him to do it. This is the same thing, it just took a long 40 issues to get there :lol

This quote from the Screen Crush article is probably summing it up best:

There is a lot to unpack with Leto’s Joker, whose appearance looks busier than previous, more simplistic versions of the character. Perhaps removing a couple of those tattoos and that pinky ring would help. This Joker almost seems like he was created via a committee of people behind the scenes on Suicide Squad, resulting in way too many bold ideas slapped together. There is also the possibility that by putting this image out there now, Ayer and Warner Bros. are gauging reactions and may slightly modify Leto’s appearance. Or they might not give a damn, and this is your new Joker, like it or not.

Regardless of some of the more problematic elements, the Joker is meant to offend, to unnerve, to appear ugly and awful. We aren’t meant to like him. We’re meant to hate him. And when have you not hated someone with a forehead tattoo? It’s the epitome of awful. Maybe that’s the point.

Read More: Jared Leto's Joker Is Both Problematic and Interesting | Jared Leto's Joker Is Both Problematic and Interesting
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I would disagree with that article that we are not meant to like him. I've always loved the (comic) character. He's entertaining and interesting. And when he occasionally commits atrocities, it makes me feel conflicted. He's charismatic, not repulsive.

I know this is just 1 pic - but it's meant to get a reaction. And my reaction is to immediately feel disconnected. Looks like an obsessed Joker fan. And considering Snyder's tendencies towards 90's comic tropes I am not expecting to be won over.

It's cool, though. I can still buy HT Batfleck. :)

Different strokes and all that. :duff
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I want to explain a little why I like it.

First, as a disclaimer, I can 110% understand why people hate this design, and I don't blame them; it isn't classic Joker. But I want to give my side.

This Joker to me has a classic look, with an Azzarello Joker. Which ironically has a Dark Knight look, but a bit more psycho Joker. However, let's continue with Azzarello. He has a drug addicted, emotionally unstable, and is with a stripper Harley (if they went this route with Robbie, I wouldn't mind. :naughty:lol)


My point is that we have a Joker who now has drugs to explain his psychotic episodes. That to me isn't Joker yet no one had too much a problem with it.Then again, it wasn't a big deal to me. However, he has a Joker vibe none the less, and I believed he was joking about tattoos in that one.

So let's continue about looks, yes, I get that no one likes it and it's over the top to say "Damaged", but I see it closer as a reference (IMO) to R.I.P Batman. Which I'd rather have a damaged tattoo than a bullet hole and split tongue.


To continue with the look alike, this joker certainly has the same physique as Leto in the photo.


And as for overall looks, I'd much rather this than Capullo's Joker. I get it shows a bit of how crazy Joker is that he is willing to cut off his face.


So if Joker can do: drugs, split his tongue, cut off his face, become emotionally unstable (which is his mental state), I don't see why tattoos can't be on him. Like mentioned before, he had been in prison for some time, realistically why wouldn't he get tattoos? He also has make-up (which I see it as a Dark Knight Returns homage), so it proves that in a way, he has to show he is the Joker on the outside. It's the same as to why Wayne has to be clothed in complete black and requires gadgets to either look or be blazed with his emblem. He has to show that he looks like Batman.

I know it isn't the same, but it makes sense, and also Joker is being classy to a point. The use of classy is someone who is sophisticated, an alteration of character due to experience, education or complex entirely. Joker is complex, him getting a grill and tattoo is unexpected and very much himself. I believe when people say classy, they expect him to have a groomed hair style, fine suit, elegant hide outs, but the reality is that Joker had a groomed hairstyle and wears suits as a look. He does not care at all about people's views of his looks. He wants to stand out, if he wanted to blend, he wouldn't need to wear make up and purple suits. His hideouts are either one of two: a carnival ground or ****** broken down warehouse/apartment. So what I mean to say is that we mustn't say Joker is classy in a way of status.

Nicholson had an educated Joker, sort of, he knew about politics and the extravagant and he hated it. He was rebellious, but with an understanding. Ledger too had a calculating Joker, understanding criminals, however he was trying to do everything out of fun. To me Joker isn't some master criminal, he is just so ****ing unpredictable. He could pretend to shoot someone for the sake of watching them **** themselves (very much B:TAS) or he will ****ing murder 20 people in a tunnel of love simply because he can (TDKR).

I'm just saying that I like it because it's different. I don't want that completely definitive Joker (Killing Joke for me), because if we get another one, it'll be disappointing to not get the same thing. After Ledger, I like getting different versions, and this one seems to accumulate a lot of different Jokers.

All just my opinion of course.

Great post, and there is a lot of logic in what you're saying. Also, I really enjoyed that Azzarello "Joker" one-shot too. Let me fire back on a couple of things, though.
With the Ledger version of Joker, even though he wasn't the classic Joker, at least in appearance, in the context of the world Nolan had created, I think it made since for him to look that way, versus having the classic comic book bleached white skin.
Also, I agree with you that this time around, it makes sense for them to go in a different direction than what was done with Ledger's Joker. Personally, I'm not even against the idea of Joker having tattoos, per se. I think it's more the choice of tattoos, that bothers me. Even though I wasn't a big fan of the comic series, I think I would have rather Joker had the big dragon tattoo that he had in "All-Star Batman and Robin" than having tattoos of words that are supposed to describe how crazy he is. To me, the "damaged" tattoo on the forehead is the toughest to get past. I get that this is one photo, out of context, and we're probably not being completely fair, but I just really have difficulty buying that the Joker would get that tattooed on himself. While I guess it's true that on some level, the Joker understands that he is damaged, I've just never felt that the Joker thought there was a problem with his condition. He's always struck me as the sociopath, nothing is ever his fault, kind of guy. I just don't see him using "damaged" to describe himself (Although I can't argue with your point about the bullet hole and split-tongue. I'm not a fan of that look either.). Even though I'm not crazy about them, the other tattoos aren't as big a deal to me, as they would be covered up if the Joker were wearing his traditional suit. I'm still looking forward to seeing this movie, and I think the casting announcements have mostly been encouraging, but I'm hoping this new Joker look grows on me, once I see it in context.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I get what you're saying but this is an oversimplified look at Snyder and Capullo's Joker. He did this because of the lack of harm in reality to himself (you have to read "Endgame" to really get it) and is less a showing of crazy and more a showing of a calculated move to get under the skin of both Batman and his fellow criminals. It is more in line with Ledger's Joker if you look at how it is unfolding. He held his thumb over the hammer of Harvey's gun because the risk was never there to get shot despite bating him to do it. This is the same thing, it just took a long 40 issues to get there :lol
I must admit I may have oversimplified that. I didn't mean to necessarily dog on the idea as to why he did, my point was more so the immediate item we got from Joker doing such a thing. I understand Joker's plans are unpredictable, but a lot of time he has a message behind it; one reason why I ABSOLUTELY love the Killing Joke.

I guess I was just saying is if people can handle Joker without a face, we can very much wait to understand the context as to why he tatted up. :lol

Great post, and there is a lot of logic in what you're saying. Also, I really enjoyed that Azzarello "Joker" one-shot too. Let me fire back on a couple of things, though.
With the Ledger version of Joker, even though he wasn't the classic Joker, at least in appearance, in the context of the world Nolan had created, I think it made since for him to look that way, versus having the classic comic book bleached white skin.
Also, I agree with you that this time around, it makes sense for them to go in a different direction than what was done with Ledger's Joker. Personally, I'm not even against the idea of Joker having tattoos, per se. I think it's more the choice of tattoos, that bothers me. Even though I wasn't a big fan of the comic series, I think I would have rather Joker had the big dragon tattoo that he had in "All-Star Batman and Robin" than having tattoos of words that are supposed to describe how crazy he is. To me, the "damaged" tattoo on the forehead is the toughest to get past. I get that this is one photo, out of context, and we're probably not being completely fair, but I just really have difficulty buying that the Joker would get that tattooed on himself. While I guess it's true that on some level, the Joker understands that he is damaged, I've just never felt that the Joker thought there was a problem with his condition. He's always struck me as the sociopath, nothing is ever his fault, kind of guy. I just don't see him using "damaged" to describe himself (Although I can't argue with your point about the bullet hole and split-tongue. I'm not a fan of that look either.). Even though I'm not crazy about them, the other tattoos aren't as big a deal to me, as they would be covered up if the Joker were wearing his traditional suit. I'm still looking forward to seeing this movie, and I think the casting announcements have mostly been encouraging, but I'm hoping this new Joker look grows on me, once I see it in context.

Yeah, I had no problem with Ledger's Joker, as long as we get Joker and he isn't some Good Samaritan, I am perfectly okay with it. :rock

I am also on the same line, love the tattoos but agree that the CHOICE of tattoo could have been less obvious and something else. I think they look too cliche as tattoos (bet he may have barbwire too :lol), but I think it fits the theme. Kind of like why he has acid flowers, blank bang guns, punch gloves and all. I just look at the image and try to see references and why they choose it. I mean the HaHaHa has a Dark Knight look from the posters, The J being a Harley obvious. The Damaged is RIP for me; and kind of funny in the sense of how Trevor from GTA V has the "Cut Here" tat. The mouths seem obvious and I assume it says Joker(?) on his stomach. The grill to me, is a play on how he has those toy teeths, so kind of a play on that, but it could also just be that Joker wanted a grill? :dunno :lol

Yeah, it seems we all are wondering on why damaged? I don't believe he is labeling himself exactly, but he is playing on that like how he does on many. It's like when he has a usual head to head with Bats and he talks about how everyone says he's crazy (then he says he doesn't deny it) and so what does that make a man who dresses up as a bat. That's just my kind of take (and like we agree, much better than a bullet hole :lol).

I love Ayer's work, and Suicide Squad will be mindless fun for me, so I'm all in, and like we say; they will be covered up (at least 90 percent of those tats) so I'm okay regardless....but seriously...are we getting a stripper Harley? Just wondering? :naughty :lol
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

And the Joker takes over Doom Patrol, something he had nothing to do with before. :lol

I like the fact that they are making something different. We've already gotten several version of Joker. Romero being the most faithful IMHO.

I don't mind the look as long as the performance backs it up.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I can see the reasoning behind "not liking the new Joker", that we're supposed to feel repulsion by it, except that's clearly not what's happening, we're making fun of it :lol the internet is pumping memes left and right ridiculing the look.