Re: DC's "Suicide Squad" (August 5th, 2016)
I'm so annoyed. What will I do?
I liked Deadpool
I'm so annoyed. What will I do?
I liked Deadpool
I'm so annoyed. What will I do?![]()
Seems like you start off by stating that you honestly don't understand how anyone could like it. And then you just keep doing that.
i didnt like Deadpool either, but i don't bother going in the threads about it to hate on it. I know and respect other people who enjoyed the movie. nothing wrong with letting them be happy so they can talk about it together.
This thread is great.
I love it.
Great wisdom.
Number 1 thread.
I love sugery drinks.
I love them even more with alcohol.![]()
Why is the Batman V Superman thread still active... what is there to talk? we already have a Justice League movie. what is there to talk about BvS? i do get surprised to still see it at the top.
And you can't compare it to Fantastic Four (sorry bruhturtle). The moment they started talking to the press that was a ****-show the likes of which I've never seen. The actual release of the movie was nothing compared to the fiasco surrounding it. Certainly you can dislike Suicide Squad and point to it's many technical faults and speculate about the level of studio interference. But to compare it to a movie that was publicly abandoned by it's unemployable director the night before release is just as forced as the "I don't know if I can talk about my feelings here" when you've reiterated your point in double digits.
i didnt like Deadpool either, but i don't bother going in the threads about it to hate on it. I know and respect other people who enjoyed the movie. nothing wrong with letting them be happy so they can talk about it together.
Then spare yourself the agony and stay out of those threads. I'm serious. For all I know people quoted my criticisms of Deadpool and said I'm an idiot for not liking it. But I don't know because I left that thread long ago since, you know, it isn't worth my time to spend hours reading people talk about a movie I didn't like.
I love sugery drinks.
I love them even more with alcohol.![]()
This way more on topic than the Gonadbusters thread.
Isn't Jye a Dr.?You're having surgery?
Just because we've seen a movie, and the thread is still open doesn't mean the only thing left to do is trash it, or the people that enjoy it. I have a feeling you were run out of the BvS thread, and if so probably for the same reasons you're debating here.
Don't make this your replacement for the BvS thread. (looking at you too pturtle) Just because you were ripping apart a movie with no reasoning to why you think it's terrible, doesn't give you a reason to bump a thread every day to make sure everyone remembers you hate it.
The people who like or love some or all of the movie will continue to discuss it, same with the people who did not enjoy it. But people who hate it aren't in here bashing it every second they get, or even worse just bumping a thread with pug pics trying to derail a thread.
If you and PTURTLE want a thread where you can just discuss how you hate every modern blockbuster, create a ****ing thread for it.
Yup, great post Yo-
SS is a success with the audience and with the box office, F4 wasn't. plain and simple, comparing the two is like comparing sex to prison.
I've been a part of this forum for a long time, and have seen and participated in healthy (albeit heated) debates in the Movies/TV sections. But since coming back I've noticed a strange trend where members will bump threads, or create a post randomly about how much they hate a movie.
Something like...
"this film is ****ing terrible"
and then bounce out of the thread, and come back to just see what they've stirred up. No additional info on why it's terrible, no opinion to rebuttal. It seems like we have more attention whores here more than ever. - which is why I took such a long break in-between posting in the first place.
Agreed Khev, sadly some people feed off this just to stand out, and let people know they are standing out.
Be careful- they might get really mad at you for liking SS......I agree the haters can hate in this thread but cmon everyday saying the same thing over and over and attacking the fans of the film over and over...![]()
You can make that argument, but the obvious response is - if you don't like the movie, why are you hanging out in the thread to be annoyed by people who like it?
People who just get off on being negative or have nothing better to do love to straw-man it into "I can't state my opinion" when the reality is you can't come up with a reason why you're going on and on about how much you didn't enjoy something without admitting that you should probably go outside for a walk. To the therapist.
Then spare yourself the agony and stay out of those threads. I'm serious. For all I know people quoted my criticisms of Deadpool and said I'm an idiot for not liking it. But I don't know because I left that thread long ago because, you know, it isn't worth my time to spend hours reading people talk about a movie I didn't like.
I ****ing hate the music in this movie
I wasn't a fan, but I did like Black Keys Cover
Yeah, well **** you for being so stupid that you find that entertaining
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what's the point?![]()
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what's the point?![]()