David Ayer's Academy Award winning "Suicide Squad"

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

How is Arrow a Batman ripoff?
Really? The league of Assassins? The broody-moody attitude? The raspy voice? All of that has nothing to do with Green Arrow and it's obvious they did it as a nod to Nolan and as a way to get a Batman-esque character on TV, but the only thing those 2 have in common is that they're rich and have gadgets.

Have you seen Green Arrow in any other media other than the TV show? Comics, JLU, hell, even the Injustice game and comics get Green Arrow waaaay better than the show.

Batfan knows this too, tell him Batfan :lol

This is Green Arrow

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Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

holy **** :lol

Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Yeh that's what we've been debating the past few pages. :duff

I just want official confirmation one way or another!!!
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Thank **** for that!!! :lol

I swear, I had to leave this thread for a while. That pic just kept looking more & more like Miley Cyrus on crack to me - utterly abhorrent.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

No apology needed! This is a fast moving board. :duff

I'm still waiting for official confirmation. The gif still looks to have the damaged tattoo in my eyes. :(
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

That was a good idea, Arrow is gross.
Have you seen Green Arrow in any other media other than the TV show?
Comics, JLU, hell, even the Injustice game get Green Arrow waaay better than the show.

This is Green Arrow

:goodpost: :exactly: :lecture

It's crazy how better The Flash is.
And of course during their crossover episode Flash is turns bad and Green Baleman saves him... :monkey4
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I'm not a huge fan of Timmverse Flash. He's well written for what he is, but that personality should have been given to someone like Speedy rather than Wally West (who I know and care about as a character due to the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans comics--he is nothing like the cartoon version there). But I do really like the way they portrayed Green Arrow. Pretty faithful to the spirit of the character in the comic as he developed over the years.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Totally a Batman ripoff/wannabe, Green Arrow isn't supposed to be that, it should be more in the spirit of Flash.

I agree that the show is a ripoff, but the point was cheat the system.

Apparently everyone wanted CW to make a Batman show after Smallville, however talks of Gotham had been ongoing for years. DC only allows a character to be used in one medium, not all (cartoons excluded). So Fox having Gotham, also therefore "needing", [I'm] doubtful, Batman. CW couldn't use him now.

Like you said, GA and Batman have 2 things in common: they are rich and they use gadgets.

But, CW used a basic premise of GA and Batman, and just built on it with Batman ****, just switched the name of Batman for Arrow.

I love it, because if we did switch out Arrow with Batman, and removed love triangles, it would be a fantastic show. However, because DC is a POS sometimes, we get what we can, and I'm fine with that.

The one thing I'm not a fan of them doing this, is that people now will think Batman ripped off GA, but then again I dismiss those people because they are morons.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

I guess I'm in the minority, but I think the look is fine. The tats don't bother me - the teeth are a bit weird though but nothing I'm losing sleep over.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

Also, maybe some people didnt know but... Leto has lots of tats IRL.
Pretty sure that's why his skin is very pale for the role. Maybe that's why they want tats on the character as well.
Re: DC's Suicide Squad movie

As others have said; the idea of tats is kind of acceptable. Its the choice which is dumb beyond belief.

That said, I'd certainly rather he not have them at all. If he actually has 'damaged' on his forehead then it's a big no from me.