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I loved the book, the animation in the film was a, but still pretty good.

I agree. I enjoyed the movie, but the animation style wasn't what I would I would have picked.

I think the story would make a great live action Superman movie.
But it's the way a Superman movie should end. He can get angry, beat up the bad guys, show them they don't stand a chance, but at the end of the day, he's just Clark.

He doesn't so much "get angry" as he pretends to go over the line he's always drawn for himself and act like the Elite and makes it appear as if he's brutally killing them, thereby showing how bad it would be if heroes acted like the Elite and why heroes should act like Superman.
I have all of the DC animated movies. I would like another Wonder Woman animated movie.

The last ones I've seen were New Frontier and Wonder Woman but I wonder if the others ones (red Hood, Crisis, Doom, Elite and so on and so forth) are worth buying..
What are the chances that this will go up for PO during spooktacular event? IDK but I feel this is not happening this month :( hope I'm wrong though.
He doesn't so much "get angry" as he pretends to go over the line he's always drawn for himself and act like the Elite and makes it appear as if he's brutally killing them, thereby showing how bad it would be if heroes acted like the Elite and why heroes should act like Superman.

I was speaking in general, and Superman does get angry, especially when life is at stake.
Yeah man when Lois dies in the flick he gets Super-pissed and makes the world go back in time yo! Oh snap hope I didn't spoil the 1978 flick for anyone lmfao! Too soon? Maybe u didn't have a chance to catch it yet my bad!
Also I don't like any of those DC animated features, except that Batman TDKR one released a couple of weeks ago - they need to put more detail in to the art, if I'm gonna watch a feature flick then I want it looking better than the Saturday morning cartoon fare you know what I mean?
Also I don't like any of those DC animated features, except that Batman TDKR one released a couple of weeks ago - they need to put more detail in to the art, if I'm gonna watch a feature flick then I want it looking better than the Saturday morning cartoon fare you know what I mean?

couldn't disagree more. Aside from All Star Superman, I have loved all of the DC Animated Movies. Art worked for me just fine.
Yeah for real? They just look really boring to me. Like this background from AKIRA has the level of detail I want in a feature animation man. Most of the time you've just got blocks of shapes representing building, windows etc in these DC features.


Perhaps I'm comparing apples and oranges here but I would get more excited about these features if they put more work in to them than 80s cartoons IMO - instead of announcing which celebrity they've got to do the voices.
see and I hate that anime style crap. That reminded me of another DC animation movie I hated, the Batman Gotham Knight one. The stories were great, but the anime made it impossible to endure watching.
Yeah I didn't like that one either man, it jumped around in a load of different art styles.

I'm really just talking about the level of detail in their original features - they just look like extended eps of Batman TAS or Justice League to me so I think what's the big deal? You stuck a few eps back to back? They ought to make the things LOOK like features IMO. I'm not advocating they turn everything in to Dragonball just that if they beefed up the detail they would get me interested - the TDKR one got me but that was the story content, may Miller's name be praised.
see and I hate that anime style crap. That reminded me of another DC animation movie I hated, the Batman Gotham Knight one. The stories were great, but the anime made it impossible to endure watching.

Generally I'd say you're right, most anime to me does look like crap but there are a few gems I've found.

Yeah I didn't like that one either man, it jumped around in a load of different art styles.

I'm really just talking about the level of detail in their original features - they just look like extended eps of Batman TAS or Justice League to me so I think what's the big deal? You stuck a few eps back to back? They ought to make the things LOOK like features IMO. I'm not advocating they turn everything in to Dragonball just that if they beefed up the detail they would get me interested - the TDKR one got me but that was the story content, may Miller's name be praised.

Maybe have it look something like this?
Yeah that's a good example, I just think they can go the extra mile with these DC features, MARVEL too - I mean the stories they are adapting are often young adult/adult stories like All Star Supes and TDKR but they still look like 80s cartoons. IDK I guess they figure less 10 year olds will get in to em if they do that?
I wish we'd hear more about whether or not this is going to come up over spook - I feel like 2 days in w/ no preorders, and Deadpool, Sauron, Darth Vader, and Boba Fett being confirmed, are they going to throw this at us as well or wait until sometime in November?