And I was talking about what everyone must order including you sir, there is no choice about ordering Keaton and Reeve figs; you will PO them or die.
Bah you people are soft and lack discipline!
Awesome Spidey, thanks! Will check out Dragons Realm for surealways good to know new places to find these things so we don't get nailed with too much duty and shipping.
It was the skirt.
How much do you want to bet that Death doesn't wear panties?
How much do you want to bet that Death doesn't wear panties?
Bah you people are soft and lack discipline!
Yeah Comic Supes, Reeve and Keaton will come over the next few years though they're not gonna come in 2013. Nolan Bats can go jump of a bridge blehhhhhh
Will be up for pre-order this week!
Untrue! That said though...he will be coming up for Preview/Pre-Order very soon! I know, the wait has been long for so many of you...but he'll be available for you to lock-in orders so very soon!
I knew it would be soon once it went to the photo shoot.
Woohoo! Next week???![]()
Ehhhhh...could be next week....could be a month to two months. 'Very Soon' in Alex time is not always immediate.