Back to the Future is perhaps the only movie that, when it's on, and I happen to channel surf to it, I put the remote down and watch it to the end. Every time. Seriously, like every single time. That might make it my favorite movie of all time, although there are arguably "better" movies, or more "refined" choices...
So in 2005, already a few years into customizing, I made a Marty McFly, but never had the time to make Doc. Then a year or two ago, Erick Sosa (Zkulptor) and Rainman partnered up to make a Marty, with Trevor producing a wonderful sculpt of Michael J. Fox... and that really got me wanting a Doc to exist. But those three guys are busy, busy, busy, so I took it upon myself to make a Doc worthy of Rainman/Trev/Zkulptor's Marty.
Aside from a good headsculpt, and if you've seen the movie, you know what a character Doc is and how he's got all these doo-dads all over him. I didn't realize it at the time, but taking on Doc is taking on a monster figure project. It ate up my whole year of free time, looking up reference photos, emailing guys on various forums here and there for their help in reference photos; sculpting, prototyping, photoshopping graphics, labels, stickers, portraits, hunting for the right fabrics and materials, designing them if I couldn't find them, etc., etc. But it was a labor of love. In the end, even if you put a measly 15 bucks for each little item, the price still skyrockets. It's just the nature of this ridiculously heavily-accessorized figure.
In the end, here's what each figure comes with (hope I'm not leaving anything out):
- authentic likeness headsculpt
- real hair, proper color/texture
- mounted on a Soldier Story body, with realistic hands
- mini-waffle-weave long johns undershirt
- dark green, Hawaiian shirt dickey
- radiation suit, made from authentic plastic/paper hybrid coverall material with large radiation symbol on back
- black pant leg cuffs visible under radiation suit
- authentic vintage style pair of Nikes with ankle pegs
- Seiko control timing stop watch, with nylon lanyard, data/phone curl-cord to mini printer in silver holster on belt, and red LED display screen reading "1:21"
- Citizen digital stopwatch, worn by dog Einie, with nylon lanyard and red LED display screen reading "1:20"
- Seiko wristwatch with external timing trigger cabled to mount on right index finger
- silver digital calculator watch on left wrist
- red pen in breast pocket
- green pen in breast pocket
- safety pins pinned to breast pocket
- bulldog spring clip on breast pocket with Seiko timing print out slip
- Heuer timing board, with two control panels, clip and document of Doc's flux capacitor drawing
- real wood clothespin on leather tool belt
- leather belt
- film-accurate tool pouch
- large screwdriver with red/yellow handle
- two small screwdrivers with clear yellow handles
- large wrench
- small wrench
- roll of black electrical tape
- wooden ruler
- large pair of pliers
- small pair of pliers
- wire cutters
- pocket Everready flashlight
- film-accurate modified Futaba remote control, with working retractable antenna and graphics, front and back
- pair of yellow radiation gloves, with radiation symbol
- film-accurate case of plutonium, with cylinders, rods, labels, opening lid
- JVC camcorder, model GR-C1U, with accurate labels, clear lenses over the main lens and eyepiece, handle
- silver revolver pistol with pearl handle
- wind-up toy car used to demonstrate return to future, with wind-up handle knob, electrical hook modification and film-accurate pyrotechnic cover over back seat compartment
- radiation hood, with liftable visor mounted on full helmet and breathing apparatus
-four real wood, stained framed portraits of Doc's idols, scientists: Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein
As I mentioned before, next time out, I'm looking to do a simple figure, one that doesn't need many, if any, accessories, and sell for under $200...
But not before unleashing my new and improved Marty McFly, ver 2.0! LOL