Broke and happy
I would love to see a short, stocky Wolvie as he is in the comic, but I wonder if Fox would go for that since Jackman has set the mold that the future Wolverine will need to fit into. Much more important than any of that, though, is his personality and fighting style. Jackman had his moments, but by and large was a pretty traditional good guy. A big teddy bear of a character, who wasn't genuinely frightening and unpredictable as often as he should have been. Also, mask and something other than a leather biker suit or jeans/wife beater.

Give it to Netflix.

Hugh being Wolverine goes beyond the screen. The great person he's been to the fans and the role model he has become is something that is not common in Hollywood. It will be near impossible for the next actor to play wolverine to embrace it as vocally as Jackman, care so much for the fans and show honor and pride in carrying the torch.
Gonna miss Hugh, but I think his passion for the role mixed with people knowing it's his last, may give us one of the best comic book films of all time.
Nah, it will be average at best.