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I'm hoping the character's popularity carries this. Looking at past R-rated CBMs, has anything made it out of the gate besides Blade?

I know Kick Ass got a sequel but Millar financed that and sold it.
They did make fun of the XMO and Fox themselves in the teaser.

"From the studio who inexplicably sew his ****ing mouth shut"

Didnt he say that in the teaser trailer...teaser. He said something like "from the studio that inexplicably sewed his ****ing mouth shut" :lol

Well, there you go Clown. :lol :lol

Bro, one joke in a teaser...


One joke about each subject (GL & XMW) is all I need, the jokes in the trailer are bad and easy as it is.

They reportedly had a ton of GL jokes in the movie and cut most of them, that's good.
I'll never watch Blade3 again. :lol Sure, RR is a big part of that, but it's also that guy from 'Prison Break' as the big bad - he sucked giant b a l l s.
I think the biggest thing is that he's just totally unlike the Cold in my imagination. It's strange that Geoff Johns' favorite character is Snart, he writes the episode, and they still get him wrong. I've always thought of Cold as very rough and tumble; very blue collar. Savvy, but never pretentious; whereas this Cold seems to like to bask in his superiority to everyone else, like the frat bro ********* from some '80s teen comedy who likes the feeling of smoke being blown up his ass. The character development's just weird, too; like Cold not killing because "getting things done with no collateral damage is more of a challenge," rather than because he adheres to a moral code that doesn't unnecessarily put innocents at risk.

I love The Flash, but I'm not digging their rogues all that much.