I don't know. The second he shot that dude in the theater, I was like "I'm done." I could see if it was just a freeze gun, but the fact that they had to go and scientificate it the way they do, to where it corrupts you at a cellular level, so, essentially, he was just murdering a dude in
cold blood was not my cup of tea, at all. The Rogues are...well, rogues, and, as such, they have that sort of roguish charm, which doesn't entail murdering civilians to make a quick getaway. I don't know. I think Cold is totally capable of snark, but I think that, as far as the comic iteration goes, it's all part of the fun for him. Flash slips on the ice and busts his ass, and Cold's like "this was fun. We should do it again, sometime," but, like I said before, I also think there's a blue collar ruggedness to him.
If it was my show, I'd have Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Leonard Snart. Ex-con/occasional thief, and a janitor at STAR Labs, as played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Snart's small time. He and his buddies will occasionally knock over a liquor store or a gas station just because they're adrenaline junkies. Of course, his employment at STAR Labs is no mere coincidence, and a visit from a certain man in a yellow suit, who comes bearing gifts, leaves Snart and his friends with some new toys and a new mission: steal all you want, so long as you make every effort to **** with The Flash, whenever you can.
I actually did my own fantasy for a Flash movie, years ago, with Morgan as my Snart; I feel like he could work on either screen, though.

Cold should be like Han Solo, in my mind. If you screw with him, he will hurt you, but, while he may be a rough and tumble smuggler/thief, he's a good guy at his core.