This will flop.....as far as MCU movies standards
What's the future like? Does Trump build the biggest wall ever? Who pays for it? Who helms the next Fant4stic? I need answers *********!
This will flop.....as far as MCU movies standards
What's the future like? Does Trump build the biggest wall ever? Who pays for it? Who helms the next Fant4stic? I need answers *********!
I'm sure there are appropriate expectations by the suits. They don't go into an Ant-Man or Thor sequel expecting Avengers-level revenue.This will flop.....as far as MCU movies standards - TDW kind of money- boy that was a MEH flm if I ever saw one
The future sucks
Trump builds an invisible wall
The chitauri pay for it.
Brett Ratner
I'm sure there are appropriate expectations by the suits. They don't go into an Ant-Man or Thor sequel expecting Avengers-level revenue.
This will flop as far as MCU movies standards.
Of course, they always hope a film will do GOTG- or Deadpool-type numbers. I'm sure that is also part of the calculation. If one of these becomes a pretty big success, they will capitalize on it and pump out a sequel. If not, they'll make a film out of a new character/team instead and roll the dice again.
Of course, it can flop, but Marvel Studios has this down to a science now I'm sure, with all their experience with films, including the marketing and testing of film ideas. I would be much more anxious if I were a WB/DC fan, since their history is much more mixed, since they don't have a really established "universe," and since they seem to allow the creative teams more free reign, with no parallel to Feige at Marvel. Greater risk, but also greater potential rewards there.
this will probably flop. GotG had the super color trailer with a talking raccoon for the kids and the pop. music. Ant-man had paul rudd and was also really kid friendly and advertised that way. Dr. Strange looks more like Thor 2.
this will probably flop. GotG had the super color trailer with a talking raccoon for the kids and the pop. music. Ant-man had paul rudd and was also really kid friendly and advertised that way. Dr. Strange looks more like Thor 2.
Law of averages- Marvel is due to have a flop-a true flop- only matter of time- they can sustain market control and formula for only so long.
there is NO way they can keep having big successes with each movie one after another. That's plain head-in-the-sand fanboy belief.
In fact CW will be the test to see if it's wearing thin. If this is goping to be a great movie(I have no doubt it is) that DOES NOT translate into $600 million domestic box office.
Wonder what the fanboys wiill say if CW doesm't reach even AoU numbers?
I wouldn't say flop, but I do think it might be a harder sell than the other Marvel movies just because the genre seems so different than your typical comic book movie. In fact, watching that trailer I'm guessing most of the general population would not even realize it's a Marvel superhero movie that is in the same world as the Avengers, etc. GOTG had a slight advantage in it being a space adventure, so that genre in itself has a large audience that also crosses over.
But an Inception-esque, mystical, cerebral thriller with a horror director? That's definitely going into uncharted territory.
Personally I'm excited that it is such a different feel and I'm anxious to see how he does mesh up to the rest of the Marvel Universe.
Doctor Strange has Benedict Cumberbatch, a person with international appeal, tons of fangirls and tons of prestigious theatre awards, Oscar winners in Chitewel Ejiofor and Tilda Swinton and most importantly... it's made by Marvel. It's foolish to think that after 13 movies featuring B and D listers with relatively unknown actors, they're going to have a flop with such a cast and after their history. It's about as valid as me saying that SKWAD will flop really, really damn hard because both BvS and MoS were misses and DC still hasn't found its footing.