Oh yeah (gonna happen gonna happen gonna happen
). No reason they can't steal Marvel's idea there. I give them permission.

Yeah of course it's 4D stuff, that's how a hypercube looks, and stuff bending on itself is also higher dimensions behaviour, like trying to flip a football inside out through the 4D, which is why I wanted that stuff to be in a Mxyzptlk movie, I didn't expect it here, I thought Dr Strange magic was like psichodelic as shown in the most recent series and like in the pannels shown above, not inception/interstellar type geometry.
I thought Strange's deal was other dimensions as in "planes of consciousness" or astral planes and such, not literally superior spatial dimensions.
Nolan deserves the credit here, one of those rare occasionsOh yeah (gonna happen gonna happen gonna happen). No reason they can't steal Marvel's idea there. I give them permission.
Yeah I understand that, since he's an actual doctor, although magic having rules is not a new concept, but has it been presented in this way before? Or are they copying the Inception/Interstellar aesthetic?Glad to see I wasn't too far off the mark (I'm a bit rusty there). Well, Strange is of course a magical character and deals mostly with such foes but when he travels to other dimensions, they're all "legit" dimensions, not the seventh circle of hell types. It's more like Sandman which yes, is mythological and all that, but has a certain, logical explaination. Whereas characters like Hellboy, Constantine and Fate are straight-up magic guys, Strange is kinda like a "scientific" version. What if "magic" had rules, measures of forces, etc, etc and could be studied and "mapped"? Strange mentions quite often that it's an art-form, and like everything else, requires practise and precision, not different from say, surgery. There are definitely hints of "logic" there.
Am I the only one severely disappointed at Marvel's decision to cast virtually no POCs or Asian actors in this movie? That's all I could think about during the trailer.
Yeah I understand that, since he's an actual doctor, although magic having rules is not a new concept, but has it been presented in this way before? Or are they copying the Inception/Interstellar aesthetic?
Magic in Doctor Strange is very different from magic in say, Ghost Rider, Hellboy or Hellblazer. Strange deals mostly with other dimensions, parallel planes of reality and the like, and not so much with blood, sacrifices and such. Sure, there are certain instances where that does happen, but Strange is kinda like a "scientific" version of magic, so I could buy the whole "advanced quantum mechanics" thing. Now, if they did it for GR I'd be pissed AF, but I'm willing to accept it for Strange if it's done gracefully.
As for the Inception part, it reminded me a lot of a 4D Tesseract, so I think that it's meant to showcase a 4D reality, or how we'd perceive it, if we could "see" "time" for what it is. Either way, Fiege compared it to Fantasia, the D23 footage was significantly more otherwordly, and filming just wraped, so I'd expect more Kirby goodness in the 2nd trailer and onwards.
I figured.Exactly like a 4D Tesseract? No, not really. Ditko's stuff were always more like bad acid trips with mushrooms rather than "actual" depictions of parallel dimensions. Still, the "concept" itself is not new or a rip-off, but yes, there's a significant resemblance. The Mads scene is more in line with the comics. I imagine the more the film nears its release, the more "fantastical" stuff we'll see.
I figured.
The Mads scene is straight up the football flipping inside out on itself, it looks Kaleidoscopic though.
I'm not saying it's bad, this is probably my most anticipated CBM of the remaining of the year, and it's ok they copied Nolan because it works and it looks fantastic.
Can't stop watching the trailer, I often bag on the MCU because their movies look like cheap TV, no real cinematography for the most part, with obvious exceptions obviously, but this looks pretty nice, loving the tone, the dialogue, the photo.
-"You're a man looking at the world thought a keyhole"
-A shot of Dr. Strange prepping up for surgery as he washes his hands in a motion like a magician's gesture
This is poetry, there's not much of that in the MCU.
It looks like they're regaining balance after Whedon's departure, they had a pretty good tone in Phase one that got lost in Phase 2 with their "fun" comedy crap. This looks like it's back on track.
Filming wrapped just last week, and it's not like they're gonna show the money shots months before the film hits. Give it a rest, geez, it's just a teaser.
Geez Give it a rest as im Actually judging just the teaser you know.
Dont think there is more to it storywise.
At least make it fresh Vusually but so far no joy, teaser supposed to book you up.
Maybe more (good?) things to come, but the intentions are already there.
At least it doesnt look like a Tv show.
Tilda swinton is ridiculous.
Cumberbatch Will get my money.
Eh, your opinion is your opinion. I'm just saying that a teaser is just a first taste, it's not going to feature a fully suited Strange and the money shots. It's the most vague of trailers, that's why it's a teaser, it's meant to simply "tease" the viewer. And again, filming wrapped last week, a couple of days before the trailer hit.
I know What a teaser is.
Supposed to wet yur appetite.
You already have money shots and sets the mood and tone.
And it does a poor job here as its filled with story beats and visuals used ad nauseum before.
Still gonna judge on the final product but that first taste is ... Tasteless.
Tilde swinton is ****ing ridiculous lol oh my this gonna be funny to watch her lol