Super Freak
It's by the numbers like Predator 2 and BVS. You'll loooooove it.

Your bait is as bad as your taste in women...
and movies
It's by the numbers like Predator 2 and BVS. You'll loooooove it.
Your bait is as bad as your taste in women...
and movies
Which is still only twice as bad as BVS and P2.
Fixed for accuracy.
Damn right, can't fix what's not broken...
sike! Not really.... ; _ ;
This nicca trying to bait the one who gave him his master baiter tittle. When will he learn?
This nicca trying to bait the one who gave him his master baiter tittle. When will he learn?
Nicca Docter?
Just heard from a buddy that watched it that there's way too much humor in this movie.
Really hoping he's wrong. I really need this to be another IRON MAN (2008) given that Cumberbatch is basically going to take RDJ's place as head of this franchise after IW.
Like a cross between the Matrix and Inception.