Does altruism exist or is it just a word?

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Group sex? Hippy. :pfft:



...just like hipster Maglor.
That's a much better way of addressing the question without jumping the guy's crap like someone did earlier.

I honestly got from his message that they are to be remembered as heroes. I always felt anyone who couldn't act like that in combat shouldn't sign up for combat arms in the military.

I always felt like the guys I was in the Army with weren't in to be heroes. They were mostly in for the honor of service, or that they were flat-out nuts. Mostly that they were just nuts though.
Where do you think I jumped him? I asked him how he meant his post. Lay off the caffeine, it makes you hyper.
Fine, we'll play this "____" then.

Now where exactly in this post does he give the guy an opportunity to clarify? All I see is where he wants to assume the "latter" and comment extensively about it, rather than ask the guy to clarify his post.

But hey, let's all just ASSume what he meant and make him out to be some ____, without giving that opportunity for clarification. :clap
You know the only person going over board here is you. Cute how you capitalized "ASS" in assume. You so clever. The beginning of my post asked for clarification. When did I give OP the opportunity to clarify? Well I guess when/if the OP replies will be his opportunity. Oh right, I am using the force to keep OP from responding. I am going to try and see if I can use the force to keep you from posting any more asinine responses but I fear my Jedi mind tricks won't work on you. You consider "extensively commenting " about something 2 sentences in a post? Drama much? You sound like my stepdaughter when I am talking to her in a calm voice and she says "stop yelling at me". Are you a 15 year old teenage girl?
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