Dr Who , Jon Pertwee a.k.a. "Venutian Karate Master" done :)

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OK so casting has begun on the orders for here, and elsewhere

When I get all cast up I will begin shipping.
That may happen this coming week depending on when I get home from jury duty. It may have to start on the weekend .

How that fer fast....lol


After previewin my post :duh
Well I guess theres the teaser for the Delgado in back there, only a couple nights put in on him so far. ...lol

I meant to post him later but Im too lazy to reopen photoshop and edit my picture. :lol
I almost fell out of my chair when I saw the Master back there. :lol I'm definitely in for that one when it's done.
That Delgado's AWESOME, man! Nice job!!! Who's the gent to his side in the robe? He looks good, but I don't recognize what series or movie he's from?
(crossing my fingers, hoping I don't get any of my nerd points taken away...) :)
Me no tease, me just work slow, me have lots of of unfinished work sitting around :rotfl

I am off to read and respond to emails
Looks like the list needs to be updated :naughty

Oh great, looks like I may have fo buy another Who head. The Master is just so ON, needless to say, I'm in

I am the Master....You will OBEY me !!!!!!!!!!!

Names Updated 1st post



I am contemplating tooling a sonic screwdriver for pertwee and baker to sell as an add on now as opposed to later , as it would just be more shipping
later on for people, especially my UK friends :)

What do people think about a delay in shipping for the opportunity to have Sonic Screwdrivers for their Doctors ?

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phew ! i finally just finished reading this entire thread! lol wanted to be sure i didnt miss anything! Russ ill PM u with my details... was also toying wiv idea of making or modifying some clothes myself ill let u know how i get on although vikki's stuff is the nuts!

sorry to go off topic but im hoping that you do a Tom next ;) ..... can i find a way to persuade u lol? im sure i can tempt u with somthing!

Im gonna try and create a fabric printed version of the classic tom scarf as im not really happy with the idea of a knitted one as it always looks bulky.... plus what i have in mind would be relatively easy to produce ill keep u posted x once again well done russ x
I have a Tom that Im working on , BUt I will be most obsessive about that sculpt so Im not sure at what point I will be happy with it to mold it. I am still doing all the classic Drs and Peter Cushing so there will be figures to take on your army of baddies.
Guess I need to start shaping the Sonics now then.
Gotcha MTAT , Id like to know from more customers though if they want to wait on having these shipped at the same time ....
