You'd be ____ing pissed off too if you sold one of your grails.
I let the Arc go for $800 so it'd sell fast, enough to fund a full figure man. I can't get one back for less then a thousand without shipping.
I did it knowing there was a risk 1/20. Not 1/5 or something if I'm lucky. It's BS and it's rainman's fault end of discussion. He never told us any of this VIP ____, only that 20 were available x date and time. He lied.
If I knew the only thing available was a clothing set half the price I wouldnt have needed to sell my ____.
So yea I'm supremely ____ing pissed and will continue to be until I hear from Rainman.
Sorry to hear that, bud.
But Rainman can't adhere to everyones condition and pleases everyone for that matter.
The VIP system was already working back then, and I managed to get one. So all I'm saying is have faith and be on time. If you want 1 hard enough, chances are you'll score 1.
I honestly believe Rainman will come to a wise decision on this one. He has the final say. Good luck bud