Premium Format Dutch

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That's going to cost!
He failed to mention the pockmarking on the skin, looks awful IMO.

:exactly: but other than that Dutch looks fine to me , i was also thinking of cancelling him but since i used a whole bunch of reward points on it plus my paid NRD i decided not to cancel and honestly now i'm glad i didn't although i'm not sure i'll keep him and since the additional portrait with sigar seems like a real must it won't be that hard to sell this piece ...
If you have the Predator Maquette this is a must.
For anyone else it will be a miss match.
Even the base on this and the 1:5 Predators match, why not the scale? Just doesn't make sense.
Congrats to all that are waiting on this, I'm expecting the Classic Pred in the next week...
They are even shipping at the same time, imagine how awesome it would of been to get a 1:4 Pred & 1:4 Dutch in the same week? SS failed IMO.
dutch looks awesome... yes..... thanks to youtube bigsilva77.. now im happily waiting for mine.. :yess:
I think SS should give their product first to nice photographer customer so we can get proper pics or videos ......... it will save us:panic: .....also there will be no cancellations
Incredible review by bigsilva, Dutch looks freaking amazing!!! Shame on those who canceled over a few bad pics, but it'll be their loss in the end! :slap

Can't wait to get mine! :rock
It's probably the best Arnie likeness to date but as nice as this piece is, I gave up on it after I had to sell my predator maquette.

It is still a great display piece regardless if you have Pred maquette or not and after seeing the video posted by bigSilva77 I wish I could have kept it.....


awesome video as always from BigSilva, man Dutch looks good im realy glad my waitlist converted.